Communication Tools
- @madeindanube supporting SMEs’ development
- #EUSDR10 – Artificial Intelligence shaping the future of the Danube Region
- #EUSDR10 – Cooperating for water quality protection
- #EUSDR10 – Evidence-based tool for improved labour market and education policies
- #EUSDR10 – Local administrations to counteract climate change impact
- #EUSDR10 – Multilevel actions for security
- #EUSDR10 – START for a prosperous future
- #EUSDR10 – Policy papers to support financing R&I
- #EUSDR10 – Professionals for waterborne transport
- #EUSDR10 – Decarbonisation for greener transport in the Danube Region
- #EUSDR10 – Securing & developing biodiversity in the Bavarian Danube
- #EUSDR10 – The road safety on the RADAR
- #EUSDR10 – Tourism: reboot & restart
- 3SMART: coordinating the regional energy polices
- Academy of Central European Schools – dialogue & cooperation of young people through cross-border school partnership projects
- ART NOUVEAU in the Danube Region
- CAMARO-D is every Danubian inhabitant’s project
- Danube Sediment
- Danube@work
- DanuBioValNet – creating Danube bio-based value-added networks
- DANUrB, a regional network meant to strengthen the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity
- DAPhNE – Danube Ports Network focused on improving the performance of Danube ports
- DAREnet – floodpractitioners
- DARIF – Setting up the Structure of a Danube River Forum
- DARLINGe – promoting the sustainable utilization of the deep geothermal resources in the heating sector
- DriDanube – a step towards risk management
- e-learning training programme for young professionals and graduates interested in managing research, social & technological innovation projects
- EDU-LAB, a solution for better qualified employees
- ENERGY BARGE: energy transportation and bioenergy
- EUSDR Newsletter – Get ready for the New Year – Latest EUSDR Developments and Upcoming Events!
- EUSDR Newsletter – joint efforts to fight against covid-19 pandemic effects
- EUSDR Newsletter – EUSDR Smart App available now!
- EUSDR Newsletter: Conclusions of the 9th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum
- FAIRWAY for safety, efficiency and environment
- Faster & safer road mobility in the Danube Region: the Karavanke (Karawanks) motorway tunnel
- Fighting against organised crime in the Danube Region
- Harmonizing education of flood management professionals – InterFloodCourse
- Improving railway transport on Stara Pazova-Novi Sad section
- Improving the environmental and economic performance of the Danube fleet – GRENDEL
- Investing in the Future Knowledge Society
- Involving citizens in urban development
- JOINTISZA: river basin management (RBM) and flood protection
- Learning opportunities for policy makers & organizations involved in funding RI
- Newsletter – the 8th Edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum, Bucharest
- Preserving and promoting (im)material cultural heritage in the Danube Region
- Protecting Life in the Danube Region
- Saving the Danube ´Dinosaur´
- SECCo2 – sharing knowledge and information on successful cross-border cooperation models
- Strengthening fight against mobile organised crime groups (MOCG)
- Supporting governments in the Danube Region
- Videos
- @madeindanube supporting SMEs’ development
- #EUSDR10 – Artificial Intelligence shaping the future of the Danube Region
- #EUSDR10 – Cooperating for water quality protection
- #EUSDR10 – Evidence-based tool for improved labour market and education policies
- #EUSDR10 – Local administrations to counteract climate change impact
- #EUSDR10 – Multilevel actions for security
- #EUSDR10 – START for a prosperous future
- #EUSDR10 – Policy papers to support financing R&I
- #EUSDR10 – Professionals for waterborne transport
- #EUSDR10 – Decarbonisation for greener transport in the Danube Region
- #EUSDR10 – Securing & developing biodiversity in the Bavarian Danube
- #EUSDR10 – The road safety on the RADAR
- #EUSDR10 – Tourism: reboot & restart
- 3SMART: coordinating the regional energy polices
- 8th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (2022): Cohesion in Europe towards 2050
- 9th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (2024)
- Academy of Central European Schools – dialogue & cooperation of young people through cross-border school partnership projects
- Added value of macro-regional strategies (Interact Report)
- An EU Industrial Policy Strategy: a Vision for 2030 – Council conclusions (adopted on 27/05/2019)
- Annual Forum
- ART NOUVEAU in the Danube Region
- Bericht „Governance im Bodenseeraum und anderen Grenzregionen“
- CAMARO-D is every Danubian inhabitant’s project
- Case Study: Water Quality Cooperation in the Danube Region
- Contacts
- Council conclusions on Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the CoR on the implementation of EU MRS
- Danube Ministers of Transport sign again Conclusions on Effective Waterway Rehabilitation and Maintenance anticipating COVID-19 Challenges
- Danube Sediment
- Danube@work
- DanuBioValNet – creating Danube bio-based value-added networks
- DANUrB, a regional network meant to strengthen the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity
- DAPhNE – Danube Ports Network focused on improving the performance of Danube ports
- DAREnet – floodpractitioners
- DARIF – Setting up the Structure of a Danube River Forum
- DARLINGe – promoting the sustainable utilization of the deep geothermal resources in the heating sector
- DG REGIO Survey on Cross-Border-Cooperation with IPA- countries – Participate now!
- DG REGIO Survey on Public Transport in Cross-Border Regions – Participate now!
- DriDanube – a step towards risk management
- DSRN study: EUSDR Challenges and Chances 2014-2020
- e-learning training programme for young professionals and graduates interested in managing research, social & technological innovation projects
- EDU-LAB, a solution for better qualified employees
- ENERGY BARGE: energy transportation and bioenergy
- Energy priorities: potentials for cross macro-regional collaboration (Interact report)
- ETC, IPA CBC and ENPI CBC programmes
- EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
- EUSAIR facilitating the Enlargement Process of the Western Balkans
- EUSDR flood protection training program in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- EUSDR Newsletter – Get ready for the New Year – Latest EUSDR Developments and Upcoming Events!
- EUSDR Newsletter – joint efforts to fight against covid-19 pandemic effects
- EUSDR Newsletter – EUSDR Smart App available now!
- EUSDR Newsletter: Conclusions of the 9th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum
- FAIRWAY for safety, efficiency and environment
- Faster & safer road mobility in the Danube Region: the Karavanke (Karawanks) motorway tunnel
- Fighting against organised crime in the Danube Region
- Forging a climate-resilient Europe – the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Harmonizing education of flood management professionals – InterFloodCourse
- Improving railway transport on Stara Pazova-Novi Sad section
- Improving the environmental and economic performance of the Danube fleet – GRENDEL
- Investing in the Future Knowledge Society
- Involving citizens in urban development
- IPA III finally adopted
- JOINTISZA: river basin management (RBM) and flood protection
- Learning opportunities for policy makers & organizations involved in funding RI
- Measuring the added-value of the EUSDR – Challanges and Opportunities
- MRS Shadow Report – The First Reflection Paper of Civil Society on EU Macro-Regional Strategies published now!
- National Coordinators supporting Danube Region Countries on their way forward
- Newsletter – the 8th Edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum, Bucharest
- OECD publishes water quality governance case study by PA 4
- PAN IPA SURVEY – Participate until July 16th!
- Preserving and promoting (im)material cultural heritage in the Danube Region
- Protecting Life in the Danube Region
- Publications
- Saving the Danube ´Dinosaur´
- SECCo2 – sharing knowledge and information on successful cross-border cooperation models
- Socio-Economic Assessment of the Danube Region completed
- Strengthening fight against mobile organised crime groups (MOCG)
- Supporting governments in the Danube Region
- Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Policies – Participate now!
- The European Commission report on the implementation of MRS (2022)
- Videos
- Youth Conferences and Youth.DanubeSalon coming up!
- Zero pollution action plan: Towards zero pollution for air, water and soil.
Danube Strategy Flagships
- BRinging Artificial INtelligence towards SMEs (BrAIn)
- Bringing the Danube Region into Classrooms: Promoting Cooperation of Schools and Teachers
- Collaboration for Dismantling Drugs Distribution and Illicit Laboratories (CO3DIL)
- Cross-border Emergency Healthcare
- Danube Alliance for SME Competitiveness
- Danube Participation Day
- Danube Region Multimodal Corridors
- Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Danube Region Transport Days (DRTD)
- Danube Small Project Fund
- Danube Tech Valley Initiative
- Danube Transfer Center Network – DTC Network
- Danube Youth Network
- Disaster Management Working Group
- Diversification of gas supply in the EUSDR
- Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE)
- Enhancing hydrogen economy in the EUSDR
- ESF Managing Authorities Network in the Danube Region
- EuroAccess Macro-Regions
- European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points
- Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management (Excellence-in-ReSTI)
- Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries
- Flagship Process on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Flagship Process on Emerging Substances
- Flagship Process on Migratory Fish
- Friends of the DANUBE Camps
- Improving the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin
- Joint PA 1a & PA 11 Working Group on Administrative Processes
- Multilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation
- Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction
- Priority Area 6 Task Forces – Stakeholder Involvement, multi-level governance, joint implementation
- Promote local low-carbon energy actions in the EUSDR
- Sustain and better connect EUSDR Cultural routes
- Sustainable Smart Specialisation for the Re-Opening of Industrial Sites in the Danube Region (RIS4Danu)
- SUSTANCE – Sustainable public transport solutions and innovative governance schemes for improving connectivity in Central Europe
- Western Balkans R&I Information Hub
EUSDR Visual Identity
- “Danube Strategy, blaze a trail for others to follow”, EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira
- “Innovation Express 2021” – Call for Proposals open now!
- #EURegionsWeek 2024: “Empowering communities”, 7-10 October 2024, Brussels
- #EUSDR has a smart app for Android and iOS users
- 10 Years of EUSDR Implementation – Happy Anniversary!
- 10th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region – 26-27 October 2021 (hybrid format)
- 11th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- 12th EUSDR Annual Forum: “EUSDR Entering the Decade of the Future”
- 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- 14th High Level Group on Macro-Regional Strategies held on 11 March 2022
- 2nd EUSDR Embedding Week – concrete steps from programming to implementation
- 3rd EU MRS Week to take place from 7-11 March 2022 | Call for Proposals
- 9th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Chat with the Presidency: A successful format for exchange and discussions
- Coffee with the Presidency meetings are becoming a platform for cross-MRS cooperation
- Commission adopts 3rd report on the implementation of EU MRS
- Consolidated Input Document of the Danube Countries for the Revision of the EUSDR Action Plan
- Danube Business Talks 2021 | 13 October 2021
- Danube Region Call for Innovative Projects
- Danube Region Network of ERDF/CF managing authorities established today!
- Danube Youth Council to be established in the European Year of Youth 2022
- DG REGIO Survey on Public Transport in Cross-Border Regions – Participate now!
- DTP Pre-Announces Call Targeted at Institutional Capacities in Ukraine & Moldova
- DTP: Open Call Targeted at Institutional Capacities in Ukraine & Moldova
- Establishment of the IPA and NDICI Programmes Network in Danube Region
- EuroAccess Macro-Regions launched on June 25th 2018
- European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Mrs. Elisa Ferreira encouraging words during the 9th Annual Forum of EUSDR
- European Research Area Initiative to support Researchers of Ukraine
- EUSDR Action Plan 2020 available now!
- EUSDR Communication Strategy now available!
- EUSDR Embedding continued to be Top Priority at the NC-PAC Meeting on 2nd March
- EUSDR Embedding Top Priority at the NC Meeting on 13th January
- EUSDR Governance Architecture Paper endorsed
- EUSDR Implementation Report 2019 available now!
- EUSDR Implementation Report 2020-2021 available now!
- EUSDR Joint Meeting of National Coordinators & Priority Area Coordinators, 29-30 January 2024
- EUSDR Policy/Impact Evaluation published
- Follow up on the 9th EUSDR Annual Forum now!
- Follow-up: 12th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Follow-up: 13th EUSDR Annual Forum: Cooperation in the Danube Region: Now more than ever! Shaping Transformation, Creating Opportunities
- Forging a climate-resilient Europe – the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Help Ukrainian people get through the coming winter!
- Impressions of the 10th EUSDR Annual Forum in Bratislava
- Information for mainstream programmes in the Danube Region
- Innovation and Technology Transfer in Central and Southeast Europe
- Invitation to submit an offer: Process Evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- IPA III finally adopted
- Job vacancy at Danube Strategy Point Vienna (maternity leave replacement)
- Joint meeting of EUSDR National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators in Portorož (Slovenia)
- Joint Statement of the Ministers responsible for the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (online), 19 October 2022
- Joint Statement Adopted by the 9th EU Strategy for the Danube Region Speakers Conference, 18-19 March 2024, Vienna
- Joint Statement of the Ministers Responsible for the Implementation of the EUSDR
- Latest EUSDR Newsletter available now!
- Latest issue of danube connects puts youth at the forefront
- Latest News from the Danube Youth Council Task Force
- Launching the EUSDR Slovenian Presidency – December 1st & 2nd 2022, Slovenia
- LIVE STREAM on 15 November : National Launch of the Ukrainian EUSDR Presidency in Kyiv
- Message by the Ukrainian NC to the EU MRS Week
- OUT NOW: EUSDR Needs Assessment for Closer Cooperation between PACs & Relevant Stakeholders
- OUT NOW: EUSDR Needs Assessment on the engagement in Steering Groups
- Participate in EUSDR Embedding Survey now
- Photo competition for the young people in the Danube Region: Picture your future in the Danube Region
- Project Kick-off Event: LIFE WILDisland
- Public Hearings and online consultation reports on the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan
- Register now for the Danube Salon 2021 – online on 11th June
- Registration opened for the 3rd EU MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES WEEK (7 – 11 March 2022)
- Save the date! #EUSDR at the #EURegionsWeek, Oct 12th -16th
- Slovak EUSDR Presidency announces programme for 2021!
- Slovakia holds the EUSDR Presidency for 2021
- Successful Opening event of the Slovenian Presidency of the EUSDR
- Support for the 2022 Ukrainian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Sustainable cooperation across the macro-regions. Adding value through MRS SUs in developing skills
- The Danube Region – a unique place where life loves to live
- The Danube Region Strategy stands with Ukraine
- The Danube Region Strategy stands with Ukraine – Donations for humanitarian aid in Ukraine
- The Danube Region Strategy stands with Ukraine – The TRIO-Presidency of the EUSDR strongly condemns the unprovoked, illicit and unjust military aggression
- The European Commission report on the implementation of MRS (2022)
- The EUSDR new Action Plan – just published!
- The final report on the EUSDR Operational Evaluation has been published
- Ukraine to be the first non-EU member state to chair EU Strategy for Danube Region (EUSDR) in 2022
- Update: Extended open call for youth organisations: Danube Youth Organisations Network (DYON)
- Vienna Danube Declaration – Joint Statement of the Danube Foreign Ministers, 20 June 2024
- Young Bled Strategic Forum – Opportunity to apply
- Young Generations Take Over the Danube Region
- Zero pollution action plan: Towards zero pollution for air, water and soil.
- 𝟭𝟯𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗨 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗻, 20-21 June 2024, Vienna, Austria
Flagships 2022
- Collaboration for Dismantling Drugs Distribution and Illicit Laboratories (CO3DIL)
- Danube Alliance for SME Competitiveness
- Danube Participation Day
- Danube Region Multimodal Corridors
- Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Danube Region Transport Days (DRTD)
- Danube Small Project Fund
- Danube Tech Valley Initiative
- Disaster Management Working Group
- Diversification of gas supply in the EUSDR
- Enhancing hydrogen economy in the EUSDR
- ESF Managing Authorities Network in the Danube Region
- EuroAccess Macro-Regions
- European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points
- Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries
- Flagship Process on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Flagship Process on Emerging Substances
- Flagship Process on Migratory Fish
- Improving the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin
- Joint PA 1a & PA 11 Working Group on Administrative Processes
- Multilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation
- Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction
- Priority Area 6 Task Forces – Stakeholder Involvement, multi-level governance, joint implementation
- Promote local low-carbon energy actions in the EUSDR
- Sustain and better connect EUSDR Cultural routes
- SUSTANCE – Sustainable public transport solutions and innovative governance schemes for improving connectivity in Central Europe
- Western Balkans R&I Information Hub
Flagships 2023
- BRinging Artificial INtelligence towards SMEs (BrAIn)
- Bringing the Danube Region into Classrooms: Promoting Cooperation of Schools and Teachers
- Collaboration for Dismantling Drugs Distribution and Illicit Laboratories (CO3DIL)
- Cross-border Emergency Healthcare
- Danube Participation Day
- Danube Region Multimodal Corridors
- Danube Region Transport Days (DRTD)
- Danube Small Project Fund
- Danube Transfer Center Network – DTC Network
- Danube Youth Network
- Disaster Management Working Group
- Diversification of gas supply in the EUSDR
- Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE)
- Enhancing hydrogen economy in the EUSDR
- Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management (Excellence-in-ReSTI)
- Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries
- Flagship Process on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Flagship Process on Emerging Substances
- Flagship Process on Migratory Fish
- Friends of the DANUBE Camps
- Improving the Safety of Tailings Management Facilities in the Danube River Basin
- Joint PA 1a & PA 11 Working Group on Administrative Processes
- Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction
- Priority Area 6 Task Forces – Stakeholder Involvement, multi-level governance, joint implementation
- Promote local low-carbon energy actions in the EUSDR
- Sustain and better connect EUSDR Cultural routes
- Sustainable Smart Specialisation for the Re-Opening of Industrial Sites in the Danube Region (RIS4Danu)
- SUSTANCE – Sustainable public transport solutions and innovative governance schemes for improving connectivity in Central Europe
Fliers and leaflets
- (no title)
- (no title)
- (no title)
- Austrian EUSDR Presidency (2023 – 2024)
- Danube Region Platform on Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Danube Tourism Laboratories (DaTuLabs)
- Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative
- DECIDE: Danube Region Programme Digital Services for Circular Economy – a Toolbox for Regional Developers and SME
- Enhancing Environmental Safety through Public Awareness and Local Government Involvement in the Danube River Basin
- Protected: EUSDR Capacity Building Sessions for Non-EU Stakeholders & PACs: Registration form
- EUSDR ESF Network
- Follow-up EUSDR Workshop on the “Impact of the war in Ukraine in Arms Trafficking and other Security Threats”
- HARMONMISSIONS – Harmonisation of Missions in the Danube Region
- Meeting of Danube Youth Organisations Network (DYON), 18 June 2024, Vienna, Austria, and online, 14.00-17.00 CET
- Mothers for Ecology and Peace
- Multilateral Danube Call
- National Participation Day
- New European Bauhaus on the Danube (The NEBoD Initiative)
- PLAN-C: Moving Plastics and Machine Industry towards Circularity
- RIS Corridor Management Initiative
- Season’s greetings from the Slovenian EUSDR Presidency
- WE.Circular: Boosting digital and industrial capacity for sustainable circular transition of women entrepreneurs in the Danube Region
- X4ITS – Central European Cross-border Cooperation for ITS
- “Innovation Express 2021” – Call for Proposals open now!
- #EUSDR10 – Anniversary Brochure by Hungarian National Coordination
- 10 Years of EUSDR Implementation – Happy Anniversary!
- 14th High Level Group on Macro-Regional Strategies held on 11 March 2022
- About this website
- Aligning EUSDR & ESIF
- Annual Forum 2016
- Chat with the Presidency: A successful format for exchange and discussions
- Coffee with the Presidency meetings are becoming a platform for cross-MRS cooperation
- Commission adopts 3rd report on the implementation of EU MRS
- Common Provisions Regulation published!
- Communication
- Danube Business Talks 2021 | 13 October 2021
- Danube Declaration adopted by ICPDR Ministerial Meeting
- Danube Region Monitor is updated and available!
- Danube Region Network of ERDF/CF managing authorities established today!
- Disclaimer
- EU Funding Instruments and Programmes
- European Investment Advisory Hub
- EUSDR Embedding Week: A week of successful matchmaking
- EUSDR Governance Architecture Paper endorsed
- EUSDR Thematic Event on Climate Change & Water Management| 27 September 2021
- Get Listed under ‘Projects and Initiatives’!
- Get Listed under ‘Who is Who’!
- Governance
- Impressions of the 10th EUSDR Annual Forum in Bratislava
- International Financial Institutions
- Interviews
- Introductory Brochure of the PA8 Artificial Intelligence Working Group available now
- Investing in the Future Knowledge Society
- Joint Statement of the Ministers responsible for the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (online), 19 October 2022
- Joint Statement Adopted by the 9th EU Strategy for the Danube Region Speakers Conference, 18-19 March 2024, Vienna
- Key Documents
- LIVE STREAM on 15 November : National Launch of the Ukrainian EUSDR Presidency in Kyiv
- Navigating a Unique East-West Corridor
- NDICI-Global Europe: the new financial instrument to support the EU’s external action in force
- New Studies on Festival and Cruise Tourism in the Danube Region by Priority Area 3
- News from PA 5: WILDFIREX Field Exercise
- One Strategy – 12 Priorities
- Online Recording: Danube Conference 2021 | Shrinking Spaces – Growing Responsibilities
- Organisations in the region
- Other funding sources
- OUT NOW: EUSDR Needs Assessment for Closer Cooperation between PACs & Relevant Stakeholders
- OUT NOW: EUSDR Needs Assessment on the engagement in Steering Groups
- Priority Area 4 and the Danube Strategy Point at Guinee Expo 2020 in Dubai
- Project Kick-off Event: LIFE WILDisland
- Projects and Initiatives
- Publication on 2 Critical Social Problems as Part of the Digital Transformation
- Recordings of EU Green Week available now!
- Revision of the Policy Instruments and their Potential to Contribute to EU Droughts and Water Scarcity Policies
- Rules of Procedure of EUSDR National Coordinators endorsed
- Saving the Danube ´Dinosaur´
- Slovak Event on the Danube Region Strategy on 1 December 2021
- Spatial Foresight Survey: Trends in the Danube and Adriatic Ionian Macro-Regions until 2050
- Targets
- Technical Assistance for PACs
- The Danube Region
- Useful tools for funding opportunities
- Vienna Danube Declaration – Joint Statement of the Danube Foreign Ministers, 20 June 2024
- Website of the Ukrainian EUSDR Presidency
- What is the EUSDR?
- Working Community of the Danube Regions chaired by Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Latest News
- Questionnaire to stakeholders dealing with digital education
- “Forging a sustainable future together” report – supporting macro-regional strategies
- „Danubius Young Scientist Award 2023” competition is now open for nominations
- #COVID-19 Extraordinary Call for Proposals from Central European Initiative (CEI)
- #EUMRSWeek2023: High Level Group meeting – the main points
- #EURegionsWeek 2024: “Empowering communities”, 7-10 October 2024, Brussels
- #EUSDR has a smart app for Android and iOS users
- €400 million EU funding – LIFE programme launched the 2019 calls for proposals
- €800,000 as state aid for SMEs to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak
- 10 Years of EUSDR Implementation – Happy Anniversary!
- 11th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- 13th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- 16th Meeting of the Steering Group of Priority Area 11 – Security, 24-25 June, 2019, Sofia
- 1st Annual Forum of EUSAIR to take place in Dubrovnik on 12-13 May
- 1st Danube Financing Dialogue
- 1st Danube Financing Dialogue – a successful premiere in Vienna
- 1st Danube-wide White-tailed Eagle Winter Census
- 242 EUSDR projects published in KEEP
- 2nd EUSDR Embedding Week – concrete steps from programming to implementation
- 2nd INNOWWIDE Call for Viability Assessment Project (VAP) supporting the internationalization of European SMEs and Start-ups
- 3rd Austrian National Participation Day – Waters 2040: Climate Change and Resilient Water Management in the Danube
- 3rd EU MRS Week to take place from 7-11 March 2022 | Call for Proposals
- 3rd Meeting of NCPs & PACs: Summary & Photos now online!
- 47 youth organisations from the Danube Region to be part of the Danube Youth Organisations Network (DYON)
- 4th Annual Forum of the EUSDR: Save the Date!
- 6 staff positions open for the Danube Strategy Point (DSP) in Brussels
- 7th European Evaluation Conference: Cohesion Policy at work
- 871 Applications Submitted for the START Danube Region Project Fund
- 9th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- 9th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (2024)
- A new Action Plan for the Danube Region is on track!
- A study for ecological connectivity in the Danube Region was released by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, PA 6 Leader of EUSDR
- A Year in Action: New Danube Region Strategy Newsletter Released!
- Activity Report 2021 – Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme
- Agrigo4Cities: Participatory urban agriculture for inclusive cities, Budapest, March 19th
- Along the Danube on a 150-year-old velocipede — Ultramarathoner Pál Hidvégi-Üstös draws attention to the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- ANNOUNCEMENT – OpenDanube Award 2019: Roma in the Danube Region
- Annual meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators, Sept 2024
- Apply for DORA – the DonauRaum App Award!
- Baden-Württemberg EUSDR Portal goes live!
- BRIDGING GAPS: EU Cohesion Policy 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠
- Call for applications: Multilateral scientific and technological cooperation in the Danube Region
- Call for Applications: Summer School on IP Commercialisation and Technology Transfer
- Call for Entries: International Photo Contest ” One Day of the Danube”
- CALL FOR INTEREST: Technical Assistance support projects
- Call for Interest: Technical Assistance support to PA 5
- Call for nominations – Danubius Young Scientis Award 2019
- Call for papers for the launch event “Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe”
- Call for proposals LIFE – new features relating to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Call for tenders: “Added value of macro-regional cooperation: collecting practice examples (cases)”
- Call: Climate Change Adaptation, launched under LIFE programme, with a macro-regional scope
- CALLS FOR PROPOSALS – Routes4U grants for tourism products, services and Cultural Routes cards
- Check out Romania’s latest newsletter on the Danube Region!
- Commission adopts report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies
- Commission releases new report on macro-regional strategy governance
- Commissioner Hahn Completes his Tour of the Danube Region
- Commissioner Hahn crosses the Danube river on the Calafat-Vidin bridge
- Conference on optimization of public administration in the Western Balkans
- Conference: Public Governance as the Foundation of European Integration (23-24 June, Vienna)
- Conference: Towards knowledge-driven society and professions of the future
- Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom: over €27 million to foster the European digital service ecosystem
- CoR Seminar: Innovative Energy Solutions for European Regions and Cities
- COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) confirmed 45 new actions to be launched in 2020
- Council Conclusions on governance of macro-regional strategies
- Cross-fertilisation Innovation and Technology Transfer Workshop
- Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe – NEWSLETTER March 2019
- DANUBE 2014-2020 – A new transnational ETC programme
- Danube Cities against Human Trafficking Round table in Ljubljana – 18.4.2018
- Danube Cycling Route Presentations now online!
- Danube Day 2013: “Get active for the sturgeons”
- Danube Programme 2014-2020 launches public consultation
- Danube Region Call for Innovative Projects
- Danube Region Strategy “Energy Prospects Post-2020” conference
- Danube Region Strategy Newsletter : Special Issue on the First Annual Forum
- Danube Region Strategy Progress Report now online!
- Danube Salon – 11 June 2021 – live stream
- Danube Strategic Project Fund Networking Event, 31 October 2018, Vienna
- Danube Strategy Point – one team, one stream
- Danube Transport Ministers agree to step up the implementation of the Master Plan for good navigation status
- Danube Youth Council Task Force inspired by youth.shaping.EUSALP
- Danube Youth Council to be established in the European Year of Youth 2022
- DANUBEPARKS Association Founded!
- Danubeparks releases their latest newsletter!
- Donausalon 2016 features Identity and Tourism in the Danube Region
- DRIDANUBE – Danube Drought Conference, 7-8 May 2019 – Vienna, Austria
- DSP organizes public hearings on the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan
- DSP to align Danube Transnational Programme and EUSDR
- DSP VACANCIES – EUFA Vienna opens call for 3 positions
- DSRN workshop for PhD and Master students
- DTP 3rd call for proposal is OPEN!
- DTP organizes thematic events for the preparation of the 3rd call for proposals
- DTP Pre-Announces Call Targeted at Institutional Capacities in Ukraine & Moldova
- DTP Second Call for Proposals
- Dunarea Noastra – Danube Day event in Galati
- EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
- Effective spending and good leadership top of the agenda as Regional Policy Commissioner Hahn joins Danube countries in Bucharest
- Embedding EUSDR in EU programmes 2021+
- Embedding the EUSDR into EU Programmes – 2nd meeting of the EUSDR Task Force and National Coordinators
- Empowering Danube Youth Council for Water and Biodiversity: Highlights from the 16th European Youth Parliament for Water
- Empowering the involvement of the EUSDR stakeholders: the main goal of the National Coordinators meeting in Brdo pri Kranju
- Enhancing knowledge and capacity-building for national representatives of the Rep. of Moldova
- EP briefing on support available for SMEs
- ESPON REGICO tool – Comparing regions in multiple contexts
- Establishment of the IPA and NDICI Programmes Network in Danube Region
- EU financial support for national, regional and local communities fighting Coronavirus
- EU REGIONS applications are open until 27th of March
- EU Report on the Impact of Demographic Change in Europe
- EUREKA Danube Region call for projects
- EuroAccess Macro-Regions
- Europe, let’s cooperate … at the Interregional Cooperation Forum, June 9th
- European Commission simplifies rules for aid combined with EU support
- European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Mrs. Elisa Ferreira encouraging words during the 9th Annual Forum of EUSDR
- European Green Leaf 2015: Gain recognition for your environmental achievements
- European Route of Jewish Heritage for EUSDR – Routes4U
- European Week of Regions and Cities 2020: applications deadline extended to 17 April!
- EUSAIR Launched
- EUSDR – Revision of the Action Plan – ONLINE CONSULTATION
- EUSDR Communication Strategy now available!
- EUSDR Croatian Presidency Programme for 2020
- EUSDR Embedding continued to be Top Priority at the NC-PAC Meeting on 2nd March
- EUSDR Embedding Top Priority at the NC Meeting on 13th January
- EUSDR Embedding Week Review – Edition 2022
- EUSDR Governance Development (online meeting)
- EUSDR Implementation Report 2016-2018 now available!
- EUSDR Implementation Report 2019 available now!
- EUSDR Implementation Report 2020-2021 available now!
- EUSDR Joint Meeting of National Coordinators & Priority Area Coordinators, 29-30 January 2024
- EUSDR National Coordinators Meeting on 21. / 22. November 2019 in Zagreb
- EUSDR National Coordinators Meeting, 13 June 2024, Brussels
- EUSDR Policy/Impact Evaluation published
- EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators meeting concludes in Maribor
- EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators met in Zagreb on 11th & 12th February 2020
- EUSDR Reflection Paper
- EUSDR Slovenian Presidency at #EUMRSWeek2023 on the role of macroregional strategies in energy, skills and funding – the main topics of the week
- EUSDR support to contain the emergency situation at Solotvino salt mine
- EUSDR Thematic Conference on Innovation & Digitization | 22 September 2021
- EUSDR: a Japanese perspective
- Evaluation of the Start Danube Region Project Fund of PA10
- Expertise: Embedding of Macro-Regional Strategies: reflexions based on the example of INTERREG CBC Programmes
- Extension of the mandate of the Danube Youth Council’s members
- Feasibility study for the Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund (DRRIF)
- FINAL AGENDA – the 8th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum – Registration open until 18th June
- First EUSDR Strategic Projects selected and validated by the National Coordinators
- Focus on Environment: latest Danube Alliance Magazine now online
- Follow the Annual Forum live!
- Follow up of tweetchat on macro-regional strategies
- Follow up on the 9th EUSDR Annual Forum now!
- Follow-up: 12th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Follow-up: 13th EUSDR Annual Forum: Cooperation in the Danube Region: Now more than ever! Shaping Transformation, Creating Opportunities
- Fostering policy coherence in the Danube Region, April 4th, Vienna
- Future Perspectives for the Danube Region
- Greening of VET in the Danube Region: Changing skill demands and the role of Centres of Vocational Excellence
- Hahn Launches Danube Region Tour in Vienna
- Hahn’s Visit to the Danube Region in the News
- Help Ukrainian people get through the coming winter!
- Implementing the Danube Region Strategy in the fields of Research and Innovation: Ulm Conference releases Final Communiqué
- Information for mainstream programmes in the Danube Region
- Interact opens call for tenders to conduct study on EU funding programmes
- Interlinking DYON & DYC, the main topic of the Danube Youth Council Task Force meeting
- International Conference „Danube – Connecting Serbia with Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks“
- International coverage of the 3rd Annual Forum of the EUSDR
- Internationalisation of SMEs in the age of digitalisation – joint event of the project UpGradeSME and the Priority Area 8 of the EUSDR
- Internship positions at the DSP (2017)
- Internships at the DSP (Brussels)
- Interreg Alpine Space Opens 1st Call of the New Programming Period 2021-2027!
- INVITATION – 8th EUSDR Annual Forum side event – “Working Community of the Danube Regions – the voice of regions in the danube area”, 26th June 2019, Bucharest
- INVITATION – A “European Silk Road”, 21st November, Brussels
- INVITATION – Biodiversity in EU macro-regional strategies
- INVITATION – PA2 6th Stakeholder Seminar, 4th of December, Budapest
- Invitation to participate in the focus group within the study ‘Added value of macro-regional cooperation: collecting practice examples (cases)’
- Invitation to submit an offer: Process Evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Invitation to submit an offer: Relaunch, operation and service for websites of the EUSDR
- INVITATION to the Danube Ministerial Conference on Justice on the 11th and 12th of September 2019 in the Danube City of Ulm
- INVITATION: Edu-Lab Final Conference “Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region”, 16 -17 May 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
- INVITATION: Final Conference CultPlatForm_21 “Visible Danube: Hidden heritage as future potential in culture and tourism” 22 – 24 May 2019 Regensburg, Germany
- INVITATION: Supporting Smart Specialisation Strategies and Technology Transfer in South-East Europe – 18th June 2019, Bucharest, Romania
- INVITATION: Transgreen Final Conference, Pathways to Greener Transport Infrastructure – Bucharest, June 25th 2019
- Job announcement for 2 vacant positions for experts at PA 3 Joint Technical Secretariat, Ruse (BG)
- Job vacancy at Danube Strategy Point (DSP) Vienna
- Job vacancy at Danube Strategy Point Vienna (maternity leave replacement)
- Joint Event, May 28th-29th: DANUBIOVALNET project and EUSDR PA 8-Competitiveness
- Joint meeting of EUSDR National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators in Portorož (Slovenia)
- Joint Statement Adopted by the 9th EU Strategy for the Danube Region Speakers Conference, 18-19 March 2024, Vienna
- Joint Statement of Ministers responsible for Research and Innovation
- Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the EUSDR and of the European Commission
- Joint Statement of the Ministers Responsible for the Implementation of the EUSDR
- Joint Statement of Ulm
- JRC Events and Studies Relevant for EUSDR Stakeholders!
- JRC manifestation of interest for a reimbursed participation at the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum
- JRC supports travel expenses & accommodation to researchers/experts for participation at the 8th EUSDR Annual Forum
- KDZ Annual Report 2020 is ready and available!
- KEP ITALY Call for Proposals 2017 (Deadline: 29 June)
- Last call: LinkingDanube project organizes its Final Conference in Bucharest, June 26th. Today is the deadline for registration!
- LAST CHANCE for YOUR input! EUSDR – Revision of the Action Plan – ONLINE CONSULTATION ends on May 20th
- Latest EUSDR newletter now online!
- Latest EUSDR Newsletter available now!
- Latest Horizon 2020 calls deadlines updates
- Latest Issue of the Danube Alliance Magazine now available!
- Latest News from the Danube Youth Council Task Force
- Latest Romanian EUSDR Newsletter now online
- Launch of the Second Call for Project Ideas – TAF-DRP
- Launch of the Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects
- Launch of!
- Launching the EUSDR Slovenian Presidency – December 1st & 2nd 2022, Slovenia
- Learning about Sustainable Transport + TO7 network meeting (March 7th, Brussels)
- Let’s shape the 4th EU MRS Week together! – call for stakeholder sessions within the EU MRS Week, 24 – 28 April 2023
- Life+ 2012 call for proposals
- Linking research, SMEs and regional governments: PA 8 conference results
- Looking back at the First Annual Forum for the EUSDR
- Made In Danube – SAVE THE DATE | Final Event | 3rd June 2019
- Meeting of the Steering Group of Priority Area 3 “Culture and Tourism”
- Meeting of Transport Coordinators for all EU macro-regional strategies
- Merkel speaks at the First Annual Forum for the EUSDR
- Ministerial Conference on Combating Terrorism in the Danube Region
- Ministerial reunion “The EUSDR – a tool for economic development”, 11 -14 June 2019, Tulcea, Romania
- MRS Trio Presidencies securing Continuity and Coordination
- NEW CALL OPEN – 4th Interreg Central Europe Pilot Call
- New Danube Region Strategy Newsletter released!
- NEW DOCUMENT – E-learning study material about floods (PA5)
- New EUSDR Flyer now available!
- New EUSDR Newsletter Online!
- New EUSDR slogan to be announced shortly
- New funding opportunities for water projects
- New Issue of Romania´s Newsletter on the EUSDR
- New Panorama released: EUSDR featured
- New Report! Europe’s Macroregional Experiment: the first Evaluation
- New Slovenian Priority Area Coordinator for PA10
- NEW STUDY – Finding synergies and addressing challenge
- Newsletter INTERACT January 2012 | European Union Macro-Regional Strategies
- Official opening of the DSP
- Open call for applications: Danubius Young Scientist Award
- OPEN CALL for experts for 8th EUSDR Annual Forum
- Open call for the Danube Youth Council until 16/10/2024
- Open Call: Universities for EU Projects
- Open ESF call: Social innovations for a fair green and digital transition
- Open ESPON call: Territorial governance of non-standard geographies
- OPEN REGISTRATION: 7th EUSDR Annual Forum, 18-19 October 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Open Seminar: VET Transition – from classrooms to companies
- Operational evaluation of the EUSDR
- OSCE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Combating Human Trafficking along Mediterranean Migration Routes – live simulation training course, 16-20 September 2019, Vicenza, Italy
- Over 800 Registrations for the 2nd Annual Forum!
- PA 11 Symposium on Document Management and Security of Travel Documents
- PA 2 Study: Natural Gas Reverse Flows in the Danube Region
- PA 2 workshop ´Cities in motion of energy transition: how technology and data help urban development´
- PA 2 Workshop: Fostering the Renovation Wave in the EUSDR and EUSAIR
- PA10 – Webinar on funding for civil society
- Panel discussion in Brussels: Living the future on the Danube
- Participate in EUSDR Embedding Survey now
- Participatory Workshop: Measuring the added value of the EUSDR
- Pécs Writers Program looking for literary partners
- Policy Guidance on Tackling Riverine Plastic Pollution in the Danube River Basin
- Priority area annual reports now online!
- Priority Area Coordinators meet to discuss tasks ahead for 2016
- Priority Area Implementation Reports now online!
- Priority Area Interim Reports to be submitted by end of April
- Priority Area Posters now online!
- Pro Danube International celebrating its 10th anniversary
- PUBLIC HEARING – Towards better economic convergence and competitiveness within macro-regions, Tuesday, 21 May 2019, Bucharest, ROMANIA
- PUBLIC TENDER – Procurement of advertising consultancy services to complete the EUSDR communication strategy and related activities
- Publication of the study on the needs for financial instruments in the EUSDR
- Register now for the Danube Salon 2021 – online on 11th June
- Register now! Storytelling through Writing Workshop
- Registration now open for the 2nd Annual Forum of the EUSDR!
- Registration opened for the 3rd EU MACRO-REGIONAL STRATEGIES WEEK (7 – 11 March 2022)
- Relaunching of the websites of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
- RELAUNCHING PUBLIC TENDER – Procurement of advertising consultancy services to complete the EUSDR communication strategy and related activities
- Reminder: Danube Strategic Project Fund call open until mid-February
- Report from the Joint meeting of Transport Coordinators of the EU macro-regional strategies
- Report of the European Parliament on the Evolution of Macro-Regional Strategies
- ROMACT Call for Proposals for Capacity Building and Transnational Cooperation
- Routes4U – the DANUBE REGION road trip continues!
- Routes4U Call for experts | Branding Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)
- Routes4U Grants | Call for EUSDR
- Routes4U meeting for the Danube Region, 6 November 2018, Bucharest
- SAVE THE DATE PUBLIC HEARING – Revision of the EUSDR Action Plan, Thursday, 27th June 2019, Bucharest, ROMANIA
- Save the date: 5th Annual Forum of the EUSDR
- Save the Date: 5th Danube Participation Day, 17 October 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Save the date: 7th EUSDR Annual Forum, 18-19 October 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Save the Date: EU Macroregional Strategies Conference on Media and Communication – Know Thy Neighbour
- SAVE THE DATE: June 27th-28th, 2019 – the 8th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum, Bucharest
- Save the date! #EUSDR at the #EURegionsWeek, Oct 12th -16th
- Season´s Greetings!
- Second call for proposal opened by Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) until March 15th
- Second call for proposals for the support of PAC activities launched
- Shift2Rail to support innovation in railways with €170 million
- Six new scientific clusters to support the Danube Region Strategy
- Slovak EUSDR Presidency announces programme for 2021!
- Slovakia holds the EUSDR Presidency for 2021
- Slovenian EUSDR Presidency chaired the 7th meeting of Trio Presidencies of Macro-regional Strategies
- Smart Specialisation Platform is looking for R&I success stories!
- Spring issue of TransEcoNet News ready for download!
- Stakeholders meeting on integrated hotspots management
- START – Danube Region Project Fund: first call for proposals now open!
- START & TAF for Danube Region Projects: Calls now open!
- START Danube Region Project Fund: first call applicants selected
- START evaluation questionnaire for EUSDR stakeholders
- Start me up! Communication and Mobilisation for the Danube Region Strategy
- Stay informed! Meeting summaries now online
- Story Map on tourism in the Danube region launched at the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum in Sofia
- Successful stakeholder seminar on funding opportunities in the water sector
- Summary video of the 4th EUSDR Annual Forum
- Summer activities: Routes4U and their custom-tailored activities
- Support for the 2022 Ukrainian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
- Sustainable cooperation across the macro-regions. Adding value through MRS SUs in developing skills
- The 2nd meeting of the Network of the IPA/NDICI programming authorities in the Danube Region
- The Danube Region Cooperation Forum, April 11th and 12th, Galaţi, Romania
- The Danube Region Transport Days 2018, 4-5 December 2018, Ljubljana
- The EUSDR new Action Plan – just published!
- The Hungarian Presidency of the EUSDR: Seminar on the ‘Future of macroregional strategies post 2020’ article
- The second meeting of EUSDR priority area coordinators and national contact points took place on 30 to 31 January 2012 in Bucharest
- Third meeting of the ESF Managing Authorities in the Danube Region
- Today is Danube Day!
- Tourism meets Bioeconomy Workshop, 18 October 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Tourism recovery through cooperation at Mediterranean Coast and Macro-Regional Strategies Week
- Towards European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialisation investments – Call for expression of interest
- Training session organized by PA11 on the M04 measure, on March 27th, 2019 in Tegernsee (Germany)
- TransEcoNet News issue 10 now available!
- Two calls for tender for Routes4U products
- Two Years Flowing: new EUSDR pamphlet now ready for download!
- Ukraine to be the first non-EU member state to chair EU Strategy for Danube Region (EUSDR) in 2022
- UNESCO seminar – capacity building in South-East Europe – Black Sea area
- Upcoming Third call for proposals of DTP
- Update: Extended open call for youth organisations: Danube Youth Organisations Network (DYON)
- VASAB Session: Spatial Strategies supporting Green and Just Transition in European Macro-Regions
- Vienna Danube Declaration – Joint Statement of the Danube Foreign Ministers, 20 June 2024
- Vienna shortlisted for European Capital of Innovation Award 2016
- Virtual matchmaking tool dedicated to support Danube Region researchers in participation in the upcoming Horizon Europe Widening Calls
- Webinar on communicating project results
- Workshop on Sludge management in the Danube Region for a greener EU – main conclusions
- Workshop: EUSALP Financial Dialogue Networks
- Workshop: Smart Villages | Smart Solutions for Innovative Rural Communities in Macro-Regions
- Young Bled Strategic Forum – Opportunity to apply
- Young BSF 2020: Applications are open until April 5th!
- Young Generations Take Over the Danube Region
- Youth Dialogue in European Cooperation (June, 23rd, from 9:30 to 11: 30 online )
- 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙮 or effective exchange and discussions within EUSDR stakeholders
- 𝟭𝟯𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗨 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗻, 20-21 June 2024, Vienna, Austria
Policy Development
- 8th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (2022): Cohesion in Europe towards 2050
- 9th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (2024)
- Added value of macro-regional strategies (Interact Report)
- An EU Industrial Policy Strategy: a Vision for 2030 – Council conclusions (adopted on 27/05/2019)
- Bericht „Governance im Bodenseeraum und anderen Grenzregionen“
- Case Study: Water Quality Cooperation in the Danube Region
- Council conclusions on Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the CoR on the implementation of EU MRS
- Danube Ministers of Transport sign again Conclusions on Effective Waterway Rehabilitation and Maintenance anticipating COVID-19 Challenges
- DG REGIO Survey on Cross-Border-Cooperation with IPA- countries – Participate now!
- DG REGIO Survey on Public Transport in Cross-Border Regions – Participate now!
- DSRN study: EUSDR Challenges and Chances 2014-2020
- Energy priorities: potentials for cross macro-regional collaboration (Interact report)
- EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030
- EUSAIR facilitating the Enlargement Process of the Western Balkans
- Forging a climate-resilient Europe – the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
- IPA III finally adopted
- Measuring the added-value of the EUSDR – Challanges and Opportunities
- MRS Shadow Report – The First Reflection Paper of Civil Society on EU Macro-Regional Strategies published now!
- OECD publishes water quality governance case study by PA 4
- PAN IPA SURVEY – Participate until July 16th!
- Socio-Economic Assessment of the Danube Region completed
- Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Policies – Participate now!
- The European Commission report on the implementation of MRS (2022)
- Youth Conferences and Youth.DanubeSalon coming up!
- Zero pollution action plan: Towards zero pollution for air, water and soil.