Process, network, platform; ongoing since 2012
Submitted by / EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 9 People & Skills
Teachers in the Danube Region are connected through annual conferences that promote the development of joint school cooperation projects. These conferences build on the Erasmus+ eTwinning community and online platform. Through innovative projects developed during the conferences, teachers and their pupils from different countries work together across borders on a wide range of topics from various educational subjects.
The conferences are organised by OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation in cooperation with PA 9 and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
The annual eTwinning conferences facilitate school cooperation projects and (partly digital) learning mobility of teachers, staff and pupils in the Danube Region. They make use of the Erasmus+ programme to increase cooperation among education and training institutions.
Need and (expected) impact
Schools across the Danube Region face challenges in ensuring that young people are provided with essential knowledge, skills and competences. Through school cooperation projects, teachers and pupils in the Danube Region can collaborate, learn from each other, and strengthen their digital competences as well as language and intercultural skills. So far, more than 450 teachers participated in Danube Region eTwinning conferences and developed more than 120 projects and many spin-off cooperation (e.g. Erasmus+ projects).
Macro-regional dimension
The Danube Region countries that are part of eTwinning are invited to the annual conferences. Currently, these are the following 13 countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
Stakeholders involved
Teachers, heads of school, school staff, staff of eTwinning Support Organisations, and pupils

© OeAD eTwinning Austria

© OeAD
Budget and Funding
Erasmus+/eTwinning (budget as Austrian National eTwinning Support Organisation with co-funding through the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education)
Co-funding through the PAC 9 project under the Danube Region Programme (and its predecessors)
Further information
- (German)
- eTwinning Danube Region Conference 2023: (German)
Head of Sector, Erasmus+ School Education/eTwinning, OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, Ursula Panuschka ()

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