Project, ongoing since 2013
Submitted by / EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 10 Institutional Capacity & Cooperation
Since 2016, EuroAccess Macro-Regions has been supporting project ideas from the Danube Region in becoming projects. EuroAccess is a comprehensive online database on EU funding opportunities and calls in the EU’s macro-regions. The database collects, processes and disseminates data of more than 200 EU funding programmes and open calls that operate within the geographical scope of the macro-regions. EUSDR PA 10 implemented the project and extended the platform’s service to all four macro-regional strategies (MRS). After the successful pilot phase, the project has been continued by the DSP in 2021.
EuroAccess Macro-Regions facilitates the search for suitable funding opportunities for project ideas in the EU’s macro-regions. In doing so, the platform supports project promoters in implementing EU funded projects and caters to a concrete need that has been voiced by project promoters. The platform is also used as a regular tool in consultations for strategic projects.
Need and (expected) impact
The need for the funding database has been voiced by project promoters in the Danube Region and was a result of discussions with members of the Danube Local Actors Platform on project development and implementation in the Danube Region.
One of the core tasks of Priority Area Coordinators is to support the coordination of instruments in order to achieve the macro-regional strategies’ goals. This also includes the provision of a better overview of and/or better insights into suitable funding sources and calls for project proposals. Since project promoters often do not have the resources to scan the wide scope of potential EU funding, EuroAccess Macro-Regions provides a supporting tool that helps project promoters to find funding for their ideas for the respective geographic area with the respective partners. Moreover, EuroAccess Macro-Regions offers a regular call alert that can be customised by users to make sure that project promoters do not miss relevant calls or funding opportunities.
In the funding period 2021-2027, the database is also used to monitor the progress of the strategy embedding process.
Macro-regional dimension
EuroAccess Macro-Regions is implemented by the City of Vienna (AT) in order to provide a service for all regions and countries that are part of one of the four EU macro-regional strategies (MRS). Initially, the funding database addressed the 14 member states of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (including non-EU countries) and has been later expanded to include the Baltic Sea Region, Alpine Region, and Adriatic-Ionic Region. Thereby, the database is expected to support project promoters in all four macro-regions and to facilitate cross-macro-regional project development as the search for funding can be easily adapted accordingly.
Stakeholders involved
The database was implemented by the City of Vienna. In the course of the project implementation, there was a close cooperation with all Strategy/Facility Points in the four macro-regional strategies, as well as National Contact Points for EU Funding Programmes, universities, business clusters, and working groups in the Danube Region Strategy.
Budget and Funding
EC Grants (EUR 504.000); Danube Transnational Programme; City of Vienna
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