If you are an art lover and plan a trip in the Danube Region, don’t forget there are many cities representatives for Art Nouveau style.
For example, don’t miss Steinhof Church in #Vienna, one of the most important Art Nouveau churches in the world.
When in Budapest, spend one night in a room overlooking the Danube, in the Four Seasons Hotel Budapest Gresham Palace, one of the largest Art Nouveau buildings in the world.
Make a stroll in Ljubljana, on Miklosiceva Street to see the Krisper House, with its floral ornaments façade and graceful Art Nouveau style.
These are just few examples. Under the influence of the Viennese Secession, the Art Nouveau style developed and found expression mainly in architecture. These three capitals, and not only, owe their current “look” to famous architects and urbanists representing the Art Nouveau movement: Otto Wagner, Max Fabiani or Odon Lechner.
With lots of examples in the Danube Region, Art Nouveau style needs to be preserved and protected, therefore all generations are bound to use them responsibly. And this is one of EUSDR’s objectives assumed through Culture and Tourism – Danube Strategy.
#EUSDR This week story presents a #DTP-financed project, #ARTNOUVEAU, which engaged in contributing to preserve the values of this artistic movement, especially in urban landscapes where modern development do not always provide the best answers when it comes to cultural heritage. The project contains a complex set of actions, carefully designed to increase transnational professional cooperation and knowledge, but also to raise awareness about Art Nouveau heritage.
The most spectacular elements of the project are the elaboration of a digital inventory of the Art Nouveau buildings existing in the #DanubeRegion, the organization of the World Day of Art Nouveau throughout the area, a mobile app, with descriptions, photos, videos and 3D objects, and a presentation film of the Art Nouveau movement in the Danube Region. The repository and mobile app are available under this link: www.andanube.eu.
Joint work has the advantage that contributes to the creation of a transnational community of experts and enthusiasts, increasing the level of quality for the interventions and measures aimed to preserve and promote the Art Nouveau heritage throughout the entire region.
By preserving culture in the Danube Region, we preserve our European identity!
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ART NOUVEAU in the Danube Region