Projects, i.e. Multilateral Danube Call; Joint funding instrument; so far 2 calls implemented, and the calls should be launched regularly every 2-3 years.
Submitted by / EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 7 Knowledge Society
The joint funding instrument MULTILATERAL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL COOPERATION IN THE DANUBE REGION was created based on existing bilateral cooperation programmes. Using already tested application and evaluation schemes lowers the bureaucratic burden for both applicants and implementing agencies.
The overall aim of this call is to support project cooperation in the Danube Region among the participating EUSDR countries. Aims of the Call:
- To contribute to scientific advancement in the abovementioned countries by funding researchers’ mobility in the frame of joint research projects;
- To contribute to research capacity development in the Region;
- To support the advancement of cross-border research cooperation; and
- To provide an opportunity for young/female researchers in the abovementioned countries to cooperate in an international setting and to develop their scientific careers.
- To facilitate joint participation in European research projects.
- To promote the involvement of the Danube countries in the European Research Area
Need and (expected) impact
The strengthening of collaborations in the Danube Region should lead to increased submission of joint cross-border projects in different national and EU funding schemes and raise the scientific excellence in the Danube Region.
Macro-regional dimension
The Multilateral Call for the Danube Region was specifically created to foster scientific cooperation between the countries of the Danube Region, focusing on creating new partnerships. The target for the flagship approval is to increase the number of countries/regions participating in the calls.
Stakeholders involved
Ministries for Education, Science and Research and National Funding Agencies for the policy as well as implementation level; researchers from universities and research organisations as beneficiaries.
Budget and Funding
For the funding of the multilateral project’s budget initially available for bilateral funding has been repurposed for the calls. Some countries have made an available extra budget for the calls.
Further information
Published on the different websites of the funding agencies once opened. For example in Austria: Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) | OeAD, Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation ( or in Slovakia: Grant Schemes | Multilateral Calls |The Slovak Research and Development Agency (
- AT: Christian Gollubits, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Reseach
- SK: Marcel Sládok, Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic:
- CZ: Luděk Kos Ministry of education youth and sports;
- RS: Snežana Omić Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development;
- FR: Kristiana Stoitseva; Ministry of Higher Education and Research,

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