Download table at the bottom of the page
Priority Area | Name and institution | Contact |
PA 1: To improve mobility and intermodality 1a: Inland waterways |
Austria | Mr Markus Simoner Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology |
markus[DOT]simoner[AT]bmk[DOT]gv[DOT]at |
Mr Gert-Jan Muilerman Via donau – Austrian Waterway Management and Development Company |
gert-jan[DOT]muilerman[AT]viadonau[DOT]org | |
Ms Viktoria Weissenburger Via donau – Austrian Waterway Management and Development Company |
viktoria[DOT]weissenburger[AT]viadonau[DOT]org | |
Ms Iris Marstaller Via donau – Austrian Waterway Management and Development Company |
iris[DOT]marstaller[AT]viadonau[DOT]org | |
Romania | Ms Monica Patrichi Head of Office, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure PA 1a Coordinator |
monica[DOT]patrichi[AT]mt[DOT]ro |
Mr Gabriel Bunduc Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure |
gabrile[DOT]bunduc[AT]mt[DOT]ro | |
Mr Cristian Dobritoiu Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure |
cristian[DOT]dobritoiu[AT]mt[DOT]ro |
1b: Rail, road and air links | ||
Slovenia | Ms Špela Cimerman Ministry of Infrastructure |
spela[DOT]cimerman[AT]gov[DOT]si |
Mr Beno Fekonja Ministry of Infrastructure |
beno[DOT]fekonja[AT]gov[DOT]si | |
Mr Franc Žepič Ministry of Infrastructure |
franc[DOT]zepic[AT]gov[DOT]si | |
Mr Igor Prinčič Ministry of Infrastructure |
igor[DOT]princic[AT]gov[DOT]si | |
Mr Iztok Vatovec Ministry of Infrastructure |
iztok[DOT]vatovec[AT]gov[DOT]si | |
Serbia | ||
Mr Jovko Jaćimović Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure |
jovko[DOT]jacimovic[AT]mgsi[DOT]gov[DOT]rs | |
Ms Živana Luković Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure |
zivana[DOT]lukovic[AT]mgsi[DOT]gov[DOT]rs |
PA 2: To encourage more sustainable energy | ||
Czechia | Mr Tomáš Vondra Ministry of Industry and Trade |
vondra[AT]mpo[DOT]cz |
Mr Vít Fencl Ministry of Industry and Trade |
fencl[AT]mpo[DOT]cz | |
Hungary | Ms Annamária Nádor Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary |
annamaria[DOT]nador[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu |
Ms Zsuzsa Bálintné Vörös External Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
zsvoros[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu | |
Ms Ágnes Barber Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
agnes[DOT]barber[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu |
PA 3: To promote culture and tourism, people to people contacts | ||
Bulgaria | Mr Georgi Alipiev Ministry of Tourism |
g[DOT]alipiev[AT]tourism[DOT]government[DOT]bg |
Ms Dora Ivanova Ministry of Tourism |
d[DOT]ivanova[AT]tourism[DOT]government[DOT]bg | |
Mr Nikola Manevski Ministry of Tourism |
n[DOT]manevski[AT]tourism[DOT]government[DOT]bg | |
Ms Zlatina Lyutova Ministry of Tourism |
z[DOT]lyutova[AT]tourism[DOT]government[DOT]bg | |
Romania | Mr Liviu Băileșteanu Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration |
liviu[DOT]bailesteanu[AT]mdlpa[DOT]gov[DOT]ro |
Ms Irina Cozma Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration |
irina[DOT]cozma[AT]mdlpa[DOT]gov[DOT]ro | |
Mr Mihai Monoranu Ministry of Culture |
mihai[DOT]monoranu[AT]umpcultura[DOT]ro | |
Ms Alina Huzui-Stoiculescu Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration |
alina[DOT]huzui[AT]mdlpa[DOT]gov[DOT]ro | |
Montenegro | Ms Tamara Đukić Ministry of Tourism |
tamara[DOT]djukic[AT]mt[DOT]gov[DOT]me |
Ms Jelena Mugoša Ministry of Tourism |
jelena[DOT]mugosa[AT]mt[DOT]gov[DOT]me |
PA 4: To restore and maintain the quality of waters | ||
Hungary | Mr Márton Pesel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade General Water Directorate |
pesel[DOT]marton[AT]ovf[DOT]hu |
Ms Zsuzsanna Kocsis-Kupper Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Acting PAC – EUSDR PA 4 Advisor |
zsuzsanna[DOT]kocsiskupper[AT]gmail[DOT]com | |
Ms Diana Heilmann Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
diana[DOT]heilmann[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu | |
Slovak Republic | Ms Danka Thalmeinerová Ministry of Environment, Water Department |
danka[DOT]thalmeinerova[AT]enviro[DOT]gov[DOT]sk |
Ms Andrea Vranovska Water Research Institute Bratislava |
andrea[DOT]vranovska[AT]vuvh[DOT]sk | |
Ms Alena Kurecova PAC4 Assistant Slovakia |
alena[DOT]kurecova[AT]vuvh[DOT]sk |
PA 5: To manage environmental risks | ||
Hungary | Mr László Balatonyi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Directorate General of Water Management |
Mr Viktor Oroszi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department for Water Diplomacy and the Danube Region Strategy |
viktor[DOT]oroszi[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu | |
Ms Kinga Perge Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department for Water Diplomacy and the Danube Region Strategy |
kinga[DOT]perge[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu danube[DOT]envirisks[AT]mfa[DOT]gov[DOT]hu |
Romania | Mr Gheorghe Constantin Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests |
gheorghe[DOT]constantin[AT]mmediu[DOT]ro |
Ms Elena Manuela Miron Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests |
manuela[DOT]miron[AT]mmediu[DOT]ro |
PA 6: To preserve biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils | ||
Bavaria (DE) | Mr Florian Ballnus Bavarian State Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection |
florian[DOT]ballnus[AT]stmuv[DOT]bayern[DOT]de |
Croatia | Ms Ana Kobašlić Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition |
ana[DOT]kobaslic[AT]mzozt[DOT]hr |
PA 7: To develop the knowledge society (research, education and ICT) | ||
Slovak Republic | Ms Ľubica Pitlová Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport Director, Science and Technology Division |
lubica[DOT]pitlova[AT]cvtisr[DOT]sk |
Ms Jaroslava Szüdi Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport |
jaroslava[DOT]szudi[AT]minedu[DOT]sk | |
Mr Tomáš Tabiš Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport |
tomas[DOT]tabis[AT]minedu[DOT]sk | |
Ms Barbora Baničová Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information |
barbora[DOT]banicova[AT]minedu[DOT]sk | |
Ms Anna Krivjanska Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information |
anna[DOT]krivjanska[AT]cvtisr[DOT]sk | |
Ms Gabriela Mezeiova Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information |
gabriela[DOT]mezeiova[AT]cvtisr[DOT]sk | |
Mr Matej Smrek Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information |
matej[DOT]smrek[AT]cvtisr[DOT]sk | |
Serbia | Mr Viktor Nedović Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development |
viktor[DOT]nedovic[AT]mpn[DOT]gov[DOT]rs |
Ms Dijana Štrbac Institute of Economic Sciences Belgrade, Department for Innovation Economics PAC’s Support Team |
dijana[DOT]strbac[AT]ien[DOT]bg[DOT]ac[DOT]rs |
PA 8: To support the competitiveness of enterprises | ||
Baden-Württemberg (DE) | Ms Carmen Hawkins Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg |
carmen[DOT]hawkins[AT]wm[DOT]bwl[DOT]de |
Ms Alexandra Gölz Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg |
alexandra[DOT]goelz[AT]wm[DOT]bwl[DOT]de | |
Croatia | Ms Helia Kovačević Grčić Ministry of Economy |
helia[DOT]kovacevicgrgcic[AT]mingo[DOT]hr |
Mr Toni Lučić Ministry of Economy |
toni[DOT]lucic[AT]mingo[DOT]hr |
PA 9: To invest in people and skills | ||
Austria | Mr Jürgen Schick Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research |
juergen[DOT]schick[AT]bmbwf[DOT]gv[DOT]at |
Mr Roland Hanak Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy |
roland[DOT]hanak[AT]bmaw[DOT]gv[DOT]at | |
Mr Jörg Mirtl Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy |
joerg[DOT]mirtl[AT]bmaw[DOT]gv[DOT]at | |
Mr Aaron Schilhan OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation |
aaron[DOT]schilhan[AT]oead[DOT]at | |
Ms Barbara Willsberger L&R Social Research |
willsberger[AT]lrsocialresearch[DOT]at | |
Ms Flavia-Elvira Enengl L&R Social Research |
enengl[AT]lrsocialresearch[DOT]at | |
Republic of Moldova | Ms Anna Gherganova Ministry of Labour and Social Protection |
anna[DOT]gherganova[AT]social[DOT]gov[DOT]md |
Ms Ludmila Pavlov Ministry of Education and Research |
ludmila[DOT]pavlov[AT]mec[DOT]gov[DOT]md | |
Ukraine | Ms Oleksandra Husak Ministry of Education and Science |
oleksandra[DOT]husak[AT]mon[DOT]gov[DOT]ua |
Ms Viktoriia Karbysheva Ministry of Education and Science |
viktoria[DOT]karbysheva[AT]gmail[DOT]com | |
Ms Nadija Afanasieva Ukrainian Institute for International Politics (UIIP) |
n[DOT]afanasieva[AT]uiip[DOT]org[DOT]ua |
PA 10: To step up institutional capacity and cooperation | ||
Austria | Ms Claudia Singer-Smith City of Vienna (EU Funding Agency) |
claudia[DOT]singer[AT]pa10-danube[DOT]eu |
Ms Simone Böhm-Gartner City of Vienna (EU Funding Agency) |
simone[DOT]boehm-gartner[AT]pa10-danube[DOT]eu | |
Ms Andreea Prasacu City of Vienna (EU Funding Agency) |
andreea[DOT]prasacu[AT]pa10-danube[DOT]eu | |
Slovenia | Ms Ana Novak Center for European Perspective |
ana[DOT]novak[AT]cep[DOT]si |
Mr Jernej Grahor Center for European Perspective |
jernej[DOT]grahor[AT]cep[DOT]si |
PA 11: To work together to tackle security and organised crime | ||
Bulgaria | Ms Snezhina Marinova Ministry of Interior Director EU and International Cooperation Directorate |
sgmarinova[AT]mvr[DOT]bg eusdr[AT]mvr[DOT]bg |
Ms Boryana Boteva Ministry of Interior EU and International Cooperation Directorate |
bboteva[DOT]14[AT]mvr[DOT]bg | |
Germany | Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community | e2[AT]bmi[DOT]bund[DOT]de |
Bavaria (DE) | Mr Michael Schwald Bavarian Ministry of Interior, for Sport and Integration Head of Bavarian Police |
Ms Irene Klarer Bavarian Ministry of Interior, for Sport and Integration |
stmi[DOT]eusdr[AT]polizei[DOT]bayern[DOT]de |
Download list:
The latest list of EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators in Excel format can be downloaded here.