Network, ongoing since 2012
Submitted by / EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 8 Competitiveness of Enterprises
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum/Steinbeis 2i GmbH as a coordinator of the Working Group – Innovation and Technology Transfer (I&TT) of the EUSDR PA 8, initiated in 2012 the Flagship Project – Danube Transfer Center (DTC) Network. DTC Network, started as an initiative of the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, aims at supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in the Danube Region with the objective of installing “Danube Transfer Centres (DTCs)”, organised as one-stop-shops to support (mainly) SMEs in regard to the Innovation & Technology transfer, considering relevant S3 priorities. DTCs contribute to the capacity building and improved cooperation within the whole Danube macro-region by the provision of frequent trainings & workshops, application of innovation capacity tools, as well as development and implementation of the projects in the frame of diverse EU funding programmes.
DTC Vision: Turning knowledge into value for our regions, economy and society. Bridging the gap between research and innovation, focusing on improving competences and cooperation between producers and users of knowledge.
In 2023, the DTC Network includes 15 full partners located in 10 Danube Region countries and serves as an exceptional platform supporting the local development on one side and facilitating transnational/international innovation ecosystem building and collaboration through the EU projects on the other side.
Support innovation, knowledge and technology transfer at the local level with the aim to bring prosperity in the Region by:
- Improving the innovative ecosystem of the SMEs in the Region
- Facilitating the conversion of knowledge into innovative solutions and stimulating development of new products and services
- Facilitating transnational research and capacity building to support knowledge growth
- Connecting people and organisations for promoting cross-border flow of information and know-how
- Stimulating a culture of responsibility for the wellbeing of society among all stakeholders of knowledge creation and circulation
Need and (expected) impact
- More collaboration between universities and industry in the Region
- Increase the number of the concrete Technology Offers, Technology Requests and Expression of Interest in the field of innovation and technology transfer
- Increase the participation of the Danube actors in EU innovation and technology transfer financed project
- More attractive business environment and economic opportunities in and beyond the Danube Region
- More innovative and higher value composition business practice, which ensures and advances social and economic well-being in and beyond the Danube Region for overall higher European living standards.
- More collaboration between the political and operational actors.
Macro-regional dimension
Specific Objectives addressed at the macro-regional (EUSDR) dimension:
- SO1 – to identify the main challenges and to improve the framework conditions in innovation and technology transfer in the Danube Region
- SO2 – to foster the cooperation in the field of innovation and technology transfer to generate concrete transnational projects
- SO3 – to support and improve the competitiveness of the Danube Region by generating concrete Technology Offers, Technology Requests and Expression of Interest in the field of innovation and technology transfer
- SO4 – to support cross-fertilisation collaboration in innovation and technology transfer by organising specific thematic workshops
- SO5- to improve policy dialog and public governance in innovation and technology transfer by promoting adequate policies and policies papers
- SO6 – to support and improve the innovation technology transfer framework conditions at the local and regional level through the flagship project “Danube Transfer Center network” as HUBs for SMEs
- SO7 – to support and increase the participation of the Danube actors in EU innovation and technology transfer financed project
- PA8 – TARGET 1.1: Preparation of at least five concrete technology offers and requests.
- PA8 – TARGET 1.2: Involvement of at least 10 new Danube actors in EU innovation and technology transfer financed project.
Stakeholders involved
- DTC Germany: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Netwok coordinator, Germany
- DTC Cluj-Napoca: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Network partner, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, University “Lucian Blaga” of Sibiu, Romania
- DTC Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra, Network partner, Bioeconomy Cluster, Slovakia
- DTC Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad, Network partner, Serbia
- DTC Slavonija: Baranja and Srijem, Vukovar-Srijem County Development Agency, Network partner, Eko-sustav Ltd., CEKOM – Competence Center for research and Development Ltd., Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (FAZOS), Croatia
- DTC Panon: Pannon Business Network Association, Network partner, Hungary
- DTC Bucharest: University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest, Network partner, Romania
- DTC Maribor: University of Maribor, Network partner, DIH UM (Digital Innovation Hub), Slovenia
- DTC Zagreb: Croatian Chamber of Economy, Network partner, Croatia
- DTC Ruse: University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Network partner, Bulgaria
- DTC Craiova: IPA CIFATT Craiova, Network partner, University of Craiova, Regional Development Agency Craiova, Romania
- DTC Austria: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS), Network partner, Austria
- DTC Iași: Technical University Gheorghe Asachi from Iași, Network partner, Romania
- DTC Odesa: Institute of market problems and Economy & Ecological Research, Network partner, Ukraine
- DTC Kyiv: National Technical University of Ukraine, ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’, Network partner, Ukraine
Budget and Funding
There is no direct fixed financial support. Since the foundation of DTC network 2012 until October 2022, a total sum of EUR 31.834.717 funding acquired with partners from the DTC network (including private funds, Interreg, national and regional tenders, Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe, National funds etc.). DTC Network submitted in Nov 2022 – 5 new Interreg Danube Project proposals and in 2023 – 2 new Horizon Europe Project proposals. We are waiting the results of the evaluation with great interest because this is the main source of funding for the DTC network.
Further information, WG – Innovation and Technology Transfer – PA 08 (, Partnerships & Networks – Steinbeis EN (
Daniela Chiran () and Miljana Ćosić ()

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