16-17 June, Sofia, Bulgaria You are invited to participate in the 7th European Evaluation Conference “The result orientation: Cohesion Policy at work” organized by the Directorates-General for Regional and Urban
Call for tenders: “Added value of macro-regional cooperation: collecting practice examples (cases)”
Interact Programme is opening a call for tenders on a study “Added value of macro-regional cooperation: collecting practice examples (cases)”. Entities and economic operators interested to participate shall order terms
International Conference „Danube – Connecting Serbia with Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks“
International Conference „Danube – Connecting Serbia with Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks“ will be held on April 19th 2016 in Novi Sad, Serbia (Тhe Gallery of Matica srpska). This conference
Priority Area Interim Reports to be submitted by end of April
EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators are kindly requested to send the following signed documents by e-mail to the DSP (e-mail ) by 30 April 2016 at the latest: the interim progress report, ANNEX Va (PDF-version) the interim
1st Annual Forum of EUSAIR to take place in Dubrovnik on 12-13 May
The 1st Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), jointly organised by the European Commission and the Government of Croatia, will take place in Dubrovnik
Interact opens call for tenders to conduct study on EU funding programmes
Interact Programme is opening a call for tenders on a study “Cooperation methods and tools applied by EU funding programmes for 2014-2020 to support implementation of the European Union Strategy
Donausalon 2016 features Identity and Tourism in the Danube Region
Paralell to the 2016 International Tourism Fair (ITB) the Permanent Representation of Baden-Württemberg organised the 4th Danube Salon on Friday 11th March in Berlin. The event is an initiative of Minister Peter Friedrich,
PA 2 workshop ´Cities in motion of energy transition: how technology and data help urban development´
EUSDR Priority Area 2 will host a side event at the UN conference European Habitat, which will be held in Prague on 16 to 18 March, 2016. The regional conference is
ROMACT Call for Proposals for Capacity Building and Transnational Cooperation
The Call aims at assisting local authorities in better integrating marginalised people, in particular non-nationals of Roma ethnicity. This call for proposals encompasses a range of options to allow applicants
New funding opportunities for water projects
CALL PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT: WATER JPI 2016 JOINT CALL FOR TRANSNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS TOPIC: Water and Agriculture Challenges The Water and FACCE JPIs pre-announce the upcoming call for transnational collaborative research