ONLINE CONSULTATION ON THE REVISION OF THE EUSDR ACTION PLAN The EU Strategy For The Danube Region (EUSDR) is a Macro-Regional Strategy adopted by the European Commission, which covers 14
Gender gap in the #DanubeRegion countries is visible both in self-employment and at all stages of the entrepreneurial life cycle. And yet, the Danube Region enjoys a large pool of young women
SAVE THE DATE: June 27th-28th, 2019 – the 8th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum, Bucharest
The annual edition of the EUSDR Forum will be held between June 27th-28th in Bucharest, at the Palace of Parliament. The registration process for the event IS NOW OPEN! We invite
JRC supports travel expenses & accommodation to researchers/experts for participation at the 8th EUSDR Annual Forum
In 2019, Romania is the rotating Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. In the framework of its Enlargement & Integration Initiative, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the
Danube Sediment
#EUSDR #danubesediment Why is sediment so important for a river? This video explains the causes for and impacts of a changed sediment balance for humans and nature along the Danube.
DARIF – Setting up the Structure of a Danube River Forum
Being one of the main transport corridors of Europe, the Danube is exposed to a significant security threat, which is a challenge for the law enforcement bodies in both Schengen and non-Schengen
A new Action Plan for the Danube Region is on track!
The key document for the future of the European Macro-region with 115 Million inhabitants, is to be published in October 2019. 18.3.2019, Bucharest, Vienna: At the last meeting of National
Involving citizens in urban development
All EU and non-EU countries face the challenge of social inclusion of vulnerable groups. A #EUSDR-related project found a possible solution: by bringing all groups together (authorities, vulnerable and marginalized
Fostering policy coherence in the Danube Region, April 4th, Vienna
ESPON organizes the workshop “From evidence to action: territorial trends and challenges identified in the ESPON projects. Fostering policy coherence in the Danube Region”, in Vienna (Austria), on Thursday 4 April
DriDanube – a step towards risk management
Over the last years, water scarcity and drought have become a serious problem in the Danube Region. These have significant impacts on agriculture, hydrology, livestock, water-based power plants, transportation, fires,