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I am Ivona Šimunović. I am twenty-five years old and I come from Ilok, a small town by the Danube in Croatia. By profession, I am a Master of Political Science and National Security and an expert in digital marketing and branding. I work as a youth worker and project manager in the Youth Association Ilok “Will”. I implement projects for young people and work with young people. I conduct workshops for young people on current topics and organize events for young people. I am the head of the Youth Club and Infocentre. I inform and educate young people about their possibilities. As part of this NGO, we also implement projects that look at climate change and the environment. My motivation for joining DYC stems from the fact that I want to show young people the possibilities they have and connect them with other more developed countries. As a youth worker in a small rural area, I believe that networking is very important and that examples of good practice that work in other countries can be transferred to smaller countries as well. I am here so that people can hear the voice of those who do not have many opportunities but have a great motivation to create and progress like myself.