Empowering Cooperation: Opening Event of the Slovenian EUSDR Presidency & informal NC-PAC Meeting

© Brdo Estate
The Opening Event of the Slovenian EUSDR Presidency, organised by the Republic of Slovenia with support from the European Commission and the Danube Strategy Point, will take place on 1 and 2 December 2022 at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, in physical form. Under the title »Empowering cooperation«, the event is dedicated to the presentation of the Presidency programme and an open discussion on some of its priorities.
The first day of the event, 1 December, starting at 13:30 CET, will consist of the Opening of the Slovenian EUSDR Presidency and a discussion on empowering the involvement in EUSDR.
On the second day, 2 December, an informal meeting of EUSDR National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators will follow. Registration for the second day is only open to EUSDR core stakeholders (NCs, PACs, DG REGIO, DRP). The meeting will be concluded at 14:00 CET.
Logistical information can be found here.
A draft agenda can be found here.
Registration for this event is closed.