Contact the Danube Strategy Point Contact an EUSDR National Coordinator in your country Contact an EUSDR Priorty Area Coordinator in your filed of interest Contact a Steering Group member
Save the date: 5th Annual Forum of the EUSDR
The 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region will be jointly organised by the European Commission and the Slovak Republic on 3 and 4
List of EUSDR targets (As validated in the meeting of National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators held in Bratislava on 23 May 2016) Priority Area 1A “To improve mobility and
EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
Working Together for a Green, Competitive and Inclusive Europe The EEA Agreement is the mainstay of the cooperation between Norway and the EU. The Agreement includes a common goal to
Conference: Public Governance as the Foundation of European Integration (23-24 June, Vienna)
Date: 23 & 24 June 2016Venue: Vienna City Hall Based on the new approach of the European Commission in the enlargement process: Fundamentals first, the conference will examine regional and national ‘best practices’
Job announcement for 2 vacant positions for experts at PA 3 Joint Technical Secretariat, Ruse (BG)
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Job announcement for 2 /two/ vacant positions for experts at the Joint Technical Secretariat, Priority Area 3 “To Promote Cultureand Tourism, People to People Contacts” of the EU
Call for papers for the launch event “Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe”
Call for papers for the launch event “Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe” 19 September 2016, Vienna Innovative approaches can provide answers to economic and societal challenges
7th European Evaluation Conference: Cohesion Policy at work
16-17 June, Sofia, Bulgaria You are invited to participate in the 7th European Evaluation Conference “The result orientation: Cohesion Policy at work” organized by the Directorates-General for Regional and Urban
Bericht „Governance im Bodenseeraum und anderen Grenzregionen“
Bericht „Governance im Bodenseeraum und anderen Grenzregionen“ von Thomas Radke, Internationale Bodensee Konferenz IBK In diesem Bericht werden grundsätzliche Definitionen, Studien und Empfehlungen zur Governance von grenzüberschreitenden Regionen vorgestellt und
Aligning EUSDR & ESIF
General findings of DG REGIO on stock-taking exercise of aligning EUSDR with European Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF) (January 2016) At the National Coordinators´ meeting in Brussels, 10 December 2015