This tool was built for regional planners as well as national planning institutions. It allows to analyse regions regarding various (relative) indicators in different spatial contexts and relations. The
#EUSDR10 – Professionals for waterborne transport
The Conclusions on effective infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance on the Danube and its navigable tributaries adopted in 2020 by the ministers and heads of delegations from the EUSDR participating countries
#EUSDR10 – Cooperating for water quality protection
Rivers, with their rich biodiversity and outstanding natural ecological assets are among the most important resources of our planet. Preserving their quality and removing the pollutants from the waters represent
#EUSDR10 – Policy papers to support financing R&I
Considering the importance of policy papers for better implementing the #EUSDR, in 2017 and 2018, Priority Area 7 – Knowledge society, jointly coordinated by Serbia and Slovakia, elaborated position papers
#EUSDR10 – START for a prosperous future
Identifying appropriate funding for a project may prove a real challenge to everybody. In macro-regional context, characterized by broad participation of a numerous categories of stakeholders, the search for financial
#EUSDR10 – Multilevel actions for security
The large area of the Danube Region is exposed to organised crime, corruption and terrorism, which can seriously affect the security and safety of a large number of inhabitants. In