High-ranking representatives of 14 Danube countries and the European Commission adopted the 2016 Danube Declaration at the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) on 9 February
New funding opportunities for water projects
CALL PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT: WATER JPI 2016 JOINT CALL FOR TRANSNATIONAL COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS TOPIC: Water and Agriculture Challenges The Water and FACCE JPIs pre-announce the upcoming call for transnational collaborative research
European Investment Advisory Hub
The European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank under the Investment Plan for Europe. Its main aims are to strengthen
Call for Interest: Technical Assistance support to PA 5
CALL FOR INTEREST for Technical Assistance support project for the coordination of EUSDR Priority Area 5 – Environmental Risks Danube Strategy Point invites the eligible Priority Area Coordinator for PA 5
Vienna shortlisted for European Capital of Innovation Award 2016
Nine cities with outstanding success in boosting innovation have reached the final stage of the European Capital of Innovation Award 2016 sponsored by the European Commission. From the Danube Region
Ministerial Conference on Combating Terrorism in the Danube Region
The Ministers responsible for Home Affairs and authorised representatives of the respective Ministries of the Danube Region countries, took part in the Ministerial Conference on Combating Terrorism in the Danube
Priority Area Coordinators meet to discuss tasks ahead for 2016
Coordinators of all EUSDR Priority Areas are meeting in Brussels on 14-15 January to discuss various operational and management iussues to be tackled throughout 2016. The following topics are on
Socio-Economic Assessment of the Danube Region completed
A socio-economic study has been commissioned by the coordinator of Priority Area (PA) 8, located within the Ministry of Finance and Economics Baden-Wuerttemberg. It is financed by the Directorate-General for
Technical Assistance for PACs
Technical Assistance provides financial support in order to help Priority Area Coordinators in coordination and implementation of the EUSDR (in respective Priority Area) and facilitation/preparation of integrated projects. Priority Area Coordinators
EP briefing on support available for SMEs
The European Union supports businesses and entrepreneurship through a wide range of programmes. Specific focus is given to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), as they form the largest share