Priority Area 09 – Investing in People and Skills of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region tackles problems in the field of (pre-university) education, labour market and marginalized communities
Investing in the Future Knowledge Society
There are 70 universities and hundreds of research institutes and other scientific institutions in the Danube Region. They are all united in the desire to advance science and innovation, and
Saving the Danube ´Dinosaur´
Uncontrolled fishing, fuelled by the high price paid for caviar, has resulted in the decimation of sturgeon in the Danube. In 2012, the Danube Sturgeon Task Force came to the
JOINTISZA: river basin management (RBM) and flood protection
The human being cannot live without water, neither plants or animals. Water is a crucial element of our living environment; therefore, a sustainable and responsible management of our water resources
Second call for proposals for the support of PAC activities launched
We are pleased to announce you that the second call for proposals for the support of PAC activities was officially launched.
e-learning training programme for young professionals and graduates interested in managing research, social & technological innovation projects
The EUSDR has been established as a mechanism for the better coordination of activities in the Danube Region. It aims at a more effective spending of existing resources but in
Improving railway transport on Stara Pazova-Novi Sad section
#EUSDR Priority Area 1b – Rail-Road-Air mobility addresses the challenges of transport, which is complex by nature due to differences between transport modes and development gaps between countries and regions