Stakeholder conference, network, platform; ongoing
EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 1b Rail-Road-Air Mobility
Since 2012, EUSDR PA 1b assembles its valued stakeholders e.g. from the European Commission, academia, financing institutions, business representatives and interested general public to collect input across the diverse participants, advance standards of best practice and enable networking.
The purpose of the annual Stakeholders’ Conference is to identify guiding principles for selected topics in transport, ascertain the current performance in these areas, and determine how the implementation of EUSDR PA 1b towards its mission can be further improved.
With this information, PA 1b can make effective decisions on its implementation plan. The conference outcomes also provide valuable input for the participants who are able to learn what are the most needed research and project activities for enhanced mobility and multimodality in the Danube Region.
Objectives: The objective of Stakeholder Conferences is to achieve high level understanding and support for a common vision on infrastructure and mobility needs in coming years (until 2030, 2040 and 2045) for road, rail and air transport. The outcomes of the Stakeholder Conferences serve and will serve as input for the PA 1b decisions on how to tackle the most important activities of the EUSDR Action Plan. Last but not least, the conferences are important for awareness rising and understanding that joint efforts are needed for the international/cross-border projects with clear added value for the Danube Region.
Need and (expected) impact: There are several reasons for PA 1b to organise and for participants to attend DRTD conferences, e.g.:
- To network: A big reason for going to conferences is to meet with likeminded people and transport sector peers. DRTD conferences bring together people from the Danube Region and beyond who share a common discipline or field, and they are a great way to meet new people in the transport field.
- To expand knowledge and find solutions to problems.
- To present PA 1b and stakeholders’ ideas and work to participants.
- For participants to meet with organisers and with each other.
- Learn beyond one’s field or interest.
The DRTD conference attendance enhances both one’s professional and personal development. The focused nature of presentations, discussions and learning at a conference allows participants to dig deeper with the understanding of transport and mobility topics of interest and of importance for connectivity and enhanced mobility in the Danube Region.
Macro-regional dimension: The Stakeholder Conferences “The Danube Region Transport Days” are organised by EUSDR PA 1b Coordinators (PACs). During preparations for each conference, a great attention is paid that most of the speakers and participants are coming from the 14 Danube Region countries. Of course, there are topics that are best presented by representatives of the European Commission or other national or international institutions from the EU and beyond.
Stakeholders involved: In the last seven conferences participating as speakers were:
- The European Commission (DG MOVE, DG REGIO, CINEA),
- High level representatives from ministries,
- Academia (University of Belgrade, University of Győr, University of Ljubljana, University of Timișoara, University of Zagreb, etc.),
- International organisations (UNECE, CEI, EIRA-EuroRAP, etc.)
- And many others.
Budget and Funding: ERDF, IPA and NDICI (via transnational programme). The estimated budget needed for one conference for up to 130 participants equals between EUR 14 000 and 23 000. Costs include: conference room, catering (mostly two lunches and a dinner), promotional material and external support (badges, follow up of registrations, technical support during the conference). Technical visits can be also organised as part of a conference.
Funding instrument: Technical support for PACs offered by the European Parliament enabled the organisation of the first couple of conferences, while later EUSDR PA 1b technical support was received through Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) (80%). In the last period the conferences are supported through the subsidy contract which is the source of financing 80% of eligible conference costs.
Conferences are free of charge and the organisers never seek sponsorship.
Further information:
Mr Franc Žepič, PAC PA 1b, Ministry of Infrastructure, Slovenia,
Mr Aleksandar Banjac, PAC PA 1b, Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Serbia,

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