The Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU asked the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to draw up an opinion that would explore how project-oriented policies and smart specialisation strategies can be directed towards the development of transnational networks linking local authorities, SMEs and research institutions. Such partnerships are essential for the realisation of transnational projects with EU funding under the umbrella of the EU macro-regional strategies. They also contribute to creating better synergies between the objectives set within the EU programming, national planning and macro-regional strategies.
In this context, the EESC is organising a public hearing in Bucharest that will bring together officials, experts, and civil society representatives to engage in the necessary consensus-building on the way ahead for macro-regional development. The outcome of the hearing would feed in the EESC opinion and will also serve as an input to the expected future decisions by EU leaders in this field.
For updates and news please consult the event page.
You can find more by downloading the Programme.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, 15 May 2019 at 17:30 (Brussels time). Registration form.