Project; ongoing
EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 8 Competitiveness of Enterprises
WE.Circular comes as a response to the specific needs of women entrepreneurs (WE) in the Danube Region through project transnational activities focused on: the identification of needs and challenges WE face in their digital and CE transition; exchange of knowledge; CE policy measures in the Danube Region, policy improvement and S3s harmonisation through developed Transnational Strategy for WE Circular Transition; innovative training programme for development and improvement of digital and CE culture and skills delivered by Learning Network; innovative circular business models for recycling, reuse, and reduce developed and tested by WE.Circular Labs which will also facilitate the increase of skills of stakeholders to harmonise S3s; capacity building of the public authorities regarding the assessment of innovative circular business model and, design of a supportive WE policy framework via Transnational Policy Learning Centre.
Objectives: The main objective of the WE.Circular project is to address a very important challenge – to increase the digital and business skills of women entrepreneurs for the industry transition and to provide key stakeholders with the skills needed to develop and implement smart specialisation strategies, preparing female entrepreneurs from the Danube Region for the transition to Industry 4.0, while fulfilling aspects of the circular economy.
Need and (expected) impact: WE.Circular results will have a strong economic and green impact.
Macro-regional dimension: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia
Stakeholders involved:
- Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna, Bulgaria
- VFU Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar”, Bulgaria
- IRS Innovation Region Styria LTD, Austria
- Technology Park Varaždin ltd, Croatia
- IREAS, Institute for Structural Policy, o.p. s., Czechia
- Bwcon GmbH, Germany
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska, Slovenia
- Pannon Business Network Association, Hungary
- Hungarian Economic Development Agency Public Benefit Non-profit Limited Company, Hungary
- Ropot Boutique SRL, Romania
- Slovak Business Agency, Slovakia
- Organisation for Entrepreneurship Development, Republic of Moldova
- Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Association of Business Women in Serbia
Budget and Funding: Interreg Funds: EUR 2 399 262,97