Projects and Initiatives

On this page you can consult a variety of existing cooperation projects in the Danube Region as well as initiatives and project ideas relevant to the Danube Region.

The projects, initiatives and project ideas listed below do not necessarily reflect the official list of actions and projects of the Action Plan for the EUSDR nor projects supported by the Priority Area Coordinators of the Strategy. Please be aware that this compilation does not claim to be exhaustive.


Consulting projects:

On the KEEP website developed by INTERACT, a unique online platform on Territorial Cooperation projects.


On the website of DG Regional Policy

Existing projects:


Clean Rivers Operation

A joint action for the elimination of illegal waste deposit of 5 cross-border rivers of Hungary and Romania

Danube Civil Society Forum

For the involvement of NGOs and the civil society in the open stakeholder process of shaping and realizing the new strategy.

Integrated Drought Management Programme in Central and Eastern Europe

Integrated Drought Management Programme Central and Eastern Europe supports the governments of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine in the development of drought management policies and plans. It also builds capacity of stakeholders at different levels for proactive integrated drought management approach and tests innovative approaches for future drought management plans.

Contact: Sabina Bokal: idmp.sabina(at)


The Regional Center for Integrated Risk and Territory Management of the Region of Lower Danube (ReCIRTLD) was established in the Euro-region Ruse-Giurgiu. It is an element of a conceived European network of regional centers for the Danube-Rhine region and Southeast Europe. In the future it may be extended for the European Mediterranean region.

RIVE – Rivers of Europe

Rivers of Europe is an international artistic, civic and educational initiative to encourage intercultural dialogue and creating a common Danubian Identity through different fields of Art. During the journey on our floating venue and within the ‘Rolling Tour’ we will implement a wide range of cultural program in 10 countries and 44 cities.

Contact: Lena Rufli lena.rufli(at) or Barna Petrányi petranyi.barna(at)


DG REGIO has tasked the Council of Europe with an action aimed at developing existing and new Cultural Routes for the purpose of combining regional development, culture and tourism. The project offers a platform for cooperation to create synergies on topics of common interest and spend better available resources, enhancing regional development through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. The project is based on the involvement of macro regional strategies, creating identities through investment in the Baltic Sea, the Danube, the Adriatic and Ionian and the Alpine Region.

More information:

Story Map on tourism in the Danube Region

EU-funded projects on tourism, cultural heritage and arts, bike routes and wellness resorts are among the highlights of an interactive Story Map on tourism in the Danube Region, launched by the European Commission’s Joint Reasearch Institute at the 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region on 18th October 2018 in Sofia.

It is an innovative way of displaying various datasets linked to various policy issues in an accessible and attractive way. It takes the viewer on a journey along the Danube river and the countries it borders and flows through.

The Story Map gives a snapshot of the rich heritage of the Danube Region and the potential of its tourism economy. It also allows users to learn about the cultural heritage initiatives supported by the EU in the region and the links between cultural and natural heritage.

As said by Commissioner Navracsics in his speech, the Story Map “showcases our beautiful Danube region and also gives an overview of some of the main challenges facing it.”

See the Danube Region Story Map here.

DAREnet – Danube river region Resilience Exchange network

DAREnet supports flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration. DAREnet builds a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civil protection organisations, and supported by a broad range of stakeholders to foster synergies, innovation and its uptake.

Contact: Dr. Christian J. Illing, project.darenet(at)