Call for papers for the launch event “Building Bridges in Social Welfare Policy in Eastern Europe” 19 September 2016, Vienna Innovative approaches can provide answers to economic and societal challenges
7th European Evaluation Conference: Cohesion Policy at work
16-17 June, Sofia, Bulgaria You are invited to participate in the 7th European Evaluation Conference “The result orientation: Cohesion Policy at work” organized by the Directorates-General for Regional and Urban
Bericht „Governance im Bodenseeraum und anderen Grenzregionen“
Bericht „Governance im Bodenseeraum und anderen Grenzregionen“ von Thomas Radke, Internationale Bodensee Konferenz IBK In diesem Bericht werden grundsätzliche Definitionen, Studien und Empfehlungen zur Governance von grenzüberschreitenden Regionen vorgestellt und
Aligning EUSDR & ESIF
General findings of DG REGIO on stock-taking exercise of aligning EUSDR with European Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF) (January 2016) At the National Coordinators´ meeting in Brussels, 10 December 2015
Call for tenders: “Added value of macro-regional cooperation: collecting practice examples (cases)”
Interact Programme is opening a call for tenders on a study “Added value of macro-regional cooperation: collecting practice examples (cases)”. Entities and economic operators interested to participate shall order terms
Case Study: Water Quality Cooperation in the Danube Region
Case Study: Water Quality Cooperation in the Danube Region – A Hungarian Perspective by Zsuzsanna Kocsis-Kupper, Danube Region Strategy, Priority Area Water Quality Coordination Team Cooperation on the Danube is continuous at
International Conference „Danube – Connecting Serbia with Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks“
International Conference „Danube – Connecting Serbia with Trans-European Transport and Energy Networks“ will be held on April 19th 2016 in Novi Sad, Serbia (Тhe Gallery of Matica srpska). This conference
Priority Area Interim Reports to be submitted by end of April
EUSDR Priority Area Coordinators are kindly requested to send the following signed documents by e-mail to the DSP (e-mail ) by 30 April 2016 at the latest: the interim progress report, ANNEX Va (PDF-version) the interim
1st Annual Forum of EUSAIR to take place in Dubrovnik on 12-13 May
The 1st Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), jointly organised by the European Commission and the Government of Croatia, will take place in Dubrovnik
EUSDR Strategic Projects (concept paper)
The EUSDR is implemented, among others, through projects and processes. An EUSDR strategic project would frequently be a result of policy developments and discussions within a EUSDR Priority Area. Identification