The LinkingDanube project invites all interested stakeholders to its final conference where the main project results will be presented. The event will be organized in Bucharest, at Europa Royale Bucharest
DSP organizes public hearings on the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan
The Danube Strategy Point (DSP), at the request of the Romanian Presidency of the EUSDR, organizes, as a side event to the 8th edition of the EUSDR Annual Forum, a
@madeindanube supporting SMEs’ development
Priority Area 8 aims to support the competitiveness of enterprises in the Danube Region. Therefore, its main actions consider supporting SMEs development through exchange of knowledge between relevant actors, strengthen
DAREnet – floodpractitioners
Do you know how much floods cost us? They are a real challenge in the Danube Basin, many floods occurring between 2002 and 2014, one of the most severe ones,
OSCE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Combating Human Trafficking along Mediterranean Migration Routes – live simulation training course, 16-20 September 2019, Vicenza, Italy
OSCE is organizing a simulation-based training on combating human trafficking along migration routes, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean region, that will take place from 16 to 20 September 2019
SECCo2 – sharing knowledge and information on successful cross-border cooperation models
PA10 – the priority area aiming at stepping up institutional capacity and cooperation – addresses institutional capacity-building at local, regional and national level, involvement of civil society in public governance,
PUBLIC TENDER – Procurement of advertising consultancy services to complete the EUSDR communication strategy and related activities
One of the goals of the Danube Strategy Point (DSP) is to increase the visibility of EUSDR by implementing communication measures for the whole Danube region. The DSP serves as a
INVITATION – 8th EUSDR Annual Forum side event – “Working Community of the Danube Regions – the voice of regions in the danube area”, 26th June 2019, Bucharest
The Office of the Lower Austrian Federal Government, Department for International and European Affairs (LAD4) in its function as Chairman of the Working Community of the Danube Regions, is happy
An EU Industrial Policy Strategy: a Vision for 2030 – Council conclusions (adopted on 27/05/2019)
The EU Council conclusions on an EU Industrial Policy Strategy were adopted by the Council at its 3694th meeting held on 27 May 2019. These conclusions echo recent calls