Are you interested in listing your institution under the ‘Who is Who’ section of the Danube Region Strategy’s online platform? If so, please submit the following information to the Danube
Get Listed under ‘Projects and Initiatives’!
Are you interested in listing your project under the ‘Projects and Initiatives’ section of the Danube Region Strategy’s online platform? If so, please submit the following information to INTERACT Point Vienna
ETC, IPA CBC and ENPI CBC programmes
This table provides a list of all ETC programmes 2007-2013. Type Programme Website JTS e-mail Pillar I Pillar II Pillar III Pillar IV Transnational Alpine Space x
Useful tools for funding opportunities
This Practical Guide was conceived in order to help potential beneficiaries of the programmes on Research and Innovation to find their way through the Structural Funds, Research
About this website
This website is the the main information portal of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. It is coordinated by the Danube Strategy Point with the support of the European
Launch of the Second Call for Project Ideas – TAF-DRP
The second call for project ideas in the framework of the Technical Assistance Facility for Danube Region Projects (TAF-DRP) is now open. Interested organisations are invited to contact the Priority
One Strategy – 12 Priorities
The Danube Region Strategy addresses a wide range of issues; these are divided among 4 pillars and 12 priority areas. Each priority area is managed by two countries as Priority
Projects and Initiatives
On this page you can consult a variety of existing cooperation projects in the Danube Region as well as initiatives and project ideas relevant to the Danube Region. The projects,