Priority Area Coordinator 10, City of Vienna, together with EuroVienna (affiliated entity to the City of Vienna) are responsible for the implementation of the Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF)
Open Call: Universities for EU Projects
“Universities for EU Projects” Project financed as mobility project for traineeship for higher education students – KA1 Erasmus+ 2015 and 2016 CALL FOR HOST ORGANIZATIONS A new call is open
Evaluation of the Start Danube Region Project Fund of PA10
The pilot initiative START Danube Region Project Fund was initiated by Priority Area 10 of the EUSDR to provide small grants in form of seed money for the development and implementation
Open Seminar: VET Transition – from classrooms to companies
The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry will organise on 31 January 2017 the kick-off session for the DTP project „Learning by Doing – Targeted capacity building of VET partnerships
New Slovenian Priority Area Coordinator for PA10
From 1.1.2017 the Centre for European Perspective (CEP) took over the role of Priority Area Coordinator on behalf of Slovenia for PA 10 (Institutional Capacity & Cooperation). The CEP was founded in
Commission adopts report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies
The European Commission adopted the first ever single report on the implementation of the four existing European Union (EU) macro-regional strategies: the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, the EU
Measuring the added-value of the EUSDR – Challanges and Opportunities
Discussion paper by Tobias Chilla & Franziska Sielker, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg This year marks the 5th anniversary of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) endorsed in 2011 by the
Pécs Writers Program looking for literary partners
Pécs Writers Program is searching for resident programs or literary houses as future partners for either bi- or multilateral projects. The program was founded in 2007 with the aim of
Internship positions at the DSP (2017)
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for 2 Internship positions at the Danube Strategy Point in Brussels The Danube Strategy Point (DSP) was established in 2015 by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the
Conference on optimization of public administration in the Western Balkans
The Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) has devoted its 9th Annual Conference to opening direct channels of discussion on experiences, methodologies and innovative practices in the process of optimization