Thursday, 7 March, 2019 to Friday, 8 March, 2019 Brussels, Belgium The concept of sustainable transport is very complex and has to do with many different aspects in society. Therefore,
Routes4U Grants | Call for EUSDR
The four calls for proposals are launched in the framework of the joint programme of the European Commission and Council of Europe “Routes4U”. Project proposals shall produce an added value to
DTP organizes thematic events for the preparation of the 3rd call for proposals
DTP organizes thematic events for the preparation of the 3rd call for proposals The four thematic seminars will take place in Bucharest (4th December 2018), Prague (14th December 2018), Stuttgard
Danube Transport Ministers agree to step up the implementation of the Master Plan for good navigation status
The Transport Ministers of the countries of the Danube region gathered in Brussels, on December 3rd, 2018, upon invitation of EU Commissioner Violeta Bulc to reinforce their commitment to an
A study for ecological connectivity in the Danube Region was released by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, PA 6 Leader of EUSDR
The objective of this study is to implement the EU strategy on Green Infrastructure within the area of the EUDSR and thus to support the objective of a Transnational Network
Contact Us
DSP Office Vienna: Danube Strategy PointEU-Förderagentur Kirchberggasse 33-35/91070 ViennaAustria Email: DSP Office Bucharest: Danube Strategy PointMinistry of Regional Development & Public Administration 14 Libertatii Blv. sector 5050706 BucharestRomania
Upcoming Third call for proposals of DTP
The Third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme will be open soon. The 3rd call leaflet can be downloaded here. Thematic seminars addressing the topics open for the
The Danube Region Transport Days 2018, 4-5 December 2018, Ljubljana
The 4th International stakeholder conference entitled “The Danube Region Transport Days 2018” will be held on 4 and 5 December 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event aims to bring together
Story Map on tourism in the Danube region launched at the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum in Sofia
EU-funded projects on tourism, cultural heritage and arts, bike routes and wellness resorts are among the highlights of an interactive Story Map on tourism in the Danube region, launched by
Routes4U meeting for the Danube Region, 6 November 2018, Bucharest
Routes4U meeting for the Danube Region The first Routes4U meeting for the Danube Region (EUSDR) will take place on 6 November 2018 in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting will contribute