From 2013 to 2018 I studied interior design at The Transcarpathian Academy of Arts in Uzhhorod. At the same time from 2014 I studied Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in Faculty of Architecture, then Garden and Landscape Architecture at The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and received the title of Master of Engineering Sciences. Also, I was a participant in the Erasmus+ experience exchange program, studying at Corvinus University of Budapest. During my studies, I showed a public attitude and participated in the creation of urban planning and landscape projects of the city of Uzhhorod (Ukraine) in cooperation with the regional urban planning department. From 2019 I am PhD. student at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak Technical University. I am doing research in the field of harmonization of urban and natural structures in small and medium-sized cities of the Danube Region. I consider self-identification with a given place to be one of the main factors that open up any space for us. Self-identification requires more than creating a beautiful space – it requires genius loci of the space… and I have an idea how to manifest it.