My name is Luisa-Maria Cocia and I’m 24 years old. I’m from Romania and now I live in Bucharest. I’m currently working in the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration as Head of the Office of State’s Secretary and I’m studying European Studies at the Polytechnic University, Bucharest. One of the greatest development potentials of the Danube Region lies in its cultural diversity, which necessitates the elimination of barrier factors to inter-ethnic dialogues and the overcoming of past grievances in order to prevail. This requires dissolution of strong mental borders, identification of cultural interfaces and groups with intermediary role as well as continuance of successful initiatives and projects and creation of new ones. Therefore, I set up my aim to promote this area through Priority Area 3- Tourism, Culture and People to people contacts, and I wish to help others rediscover the true treasure of the Danubian area.