Enhancing Regional Cooperation in the Danube Basin: Stronger Together

EUSDR Event on Water, Emergency Response, and Disaster Risk Management


The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) highlights the importance of regional cooperation in addressing environmental risks, water management, emergency response and disaster management. Recent severe floods, storms, and wildfires reinforce the need for enhanced coordination and cooperation at transnational level across the region.

To address these challenges, the EUSDR Priority Area 5 (Environmental Risks), Hungarian co-coordination, as the main technical coordinator, in collaboration with the Bosnian and Herzegovinian EUSDR Presidency, the Republic of Croatia, and the EUSDR Priority Area 10 (Institutional Capacity and Cooperation), Austrian co-coordination, with support of the Danube Strategy Point, is organising a consultation meeting to strengthen emergency response frameworks, enhance institutional capacities, and improve disaster preparedness mechanisms within the Danube Region, while promoting the engagement of EU candidate countries in macro-regional cooperation.

The event is aligned with the fundamental principles of EU macro-regional strategies, which emphasise the importance of cross-border and trans-national cooperation, multi-level governance, and stakeholder engagement. The event’s key objectives include:

  • Water management
  • Emergency and disaster risk management
  • Sustainable management of transboundary water resources
  • Institutional capacity building and strengthening regional cooperation
  • Showcasing EUSDR PA 5 and EUSDR PA 10 achievements
  • Integrating EU candidate countries
  • Improving coordination and communication
  • Involving Youth

A central feature of the event will be two parallel Knowledge Cafés – interactive sessions to engage stakeholders in identifying gaps, challenges, and best practices in water management, emergency and disaster risk management

The event is expected to result in strengthened cooperation mechanisms and regional networks, enhancing collaboration across the Danube Region. A key outcome will be the enhanced integration of EU candidate countries into EUSDR PA 5 and EUSDR PA 10 initiatives, fostering cross-border partnerships. Additionally, the meeting aims to develop a concrete action plan to improve participation of EU candidate countries in macro-regional strategies. Finally, discussions will contribute to the identification of key priorities and the development of a tentative project list, laying the groundwork for future collaboration and coordinated efforts in addressing environmental risks, water management, emergency response and disaster management.

Location: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hotel Mostar
Address: Kneza Domagoja bb, 88000

Interested participants are invited to register by completing the form below no later than 18 March 2025.

Agenda (draft)


Special hotel offer for participants

On behalf of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian EUSDR Presidency, we are pleased to share that a special accommodation deal has been arranged for participants.

The offer is valid for bookings made until 14 March 2024

Click here to view the details




Please kindly note that the registration for the event Enhancing Regional Cooperation in the Danube Basin: Stronger Together is now closed. Thank you for your interest—we look forward to welcoming all registered participants!

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Apr 03 2025


09:00 - 17:30


Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina


BA EUSDR PCY, MoFTER BiH, Republic of Croatia, PA 5, PA 10, RCC, ICPDR
QR Code