Cross-MRS Workshop I: “Synchronised Call – INNOVATION EXPRESS 2.0”

Cross-regional cooperation schemes as part of macro-regional strategies can bundle critical mass of actors and financial means needed to mutually respond to upcoming challenges. The idea of cross-regional collaboration schemes designed and funded by the regions (not by European Programmes, like INTERREG or Horizon 2020) is not new. However, not much experience exists. Nevertheless, the former BSR STARS INNOVATION EXPRESS can be seen as good practice how a lean and very efficient cross-regional collaboration scheme created good impact and can be understood as a role model for future macro-regional strategy driven support schemes. Based on the above representatives of two macro-regional strategies, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) decided to initiate a revised INNOVATION EXPRESS aiming at involving all four macro-regional strategies also including the EU Strategy for Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).

More background information available here.

What we, the organisers of this workshop propose is a new INNOVATION EXPRESS 2.0 to be developed together with relevant stakeholders, ministries and state agencies in charge of providing support to cluster organisations. The territory of eligible countries should cover the Baltic, the Danube, the Alpine and the Ionian-Adriatic region. Interested countries, regions can join the initiative before the start of the 1st call. Only stakeholders coming from supporting countries/regions are eligible for application.  A concept note has been drafted and will be the subject of discussion to this co-creative workshop that will be organised online.

The workshop is intended to introduce into the topic, explain the added value and rationale behind and illustrate by good practice how this idea is turned into practice, incl. impact gained. This will be the content of the first part of the workshop on 5th November and within the 2nd part, on 12 November the co-creation of the new programme INNOVATION EXPRESS 2.0 will start. You are welcome to sign up for both parts or choose just the first now and decide later whether you also like to participate in designing the new programme.


In case you are interested you can register following this LINK not later than by 29 October 2020. In case you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr Anders Bergström, Policy Area Coordinator EUSBSR PA Education at or Dr Judit Schrick-Szenczi, Priority Area Coordinator EUSDR PA8.


Nov 05 2020


10:00 - 12:00




EUSBSR PA Education & EUSDR PA Competitiveness
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