4th EU MRS Week
The EC DG REGIO kindly asks you to save the date for the 4th EU MRS Week, to be held in a hybrid format (Brussels & online) in the week from 24 – 28 April 2023.
Under the slogan “Transform to thrive“, the focus will be on three themes: Energy, Skills and Embedding.
The event will be organised in hybrid format with the possibility of onsite participation for the EU MRS key implementers and representatives of EU institutions, while stakeholders of the MRS will be able to join the debates online.
The EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week (EU MRS Week) is the biggest annual event dedicated to the four EU macro-regional strategies (EUSBSR, EUSDR, EUSAIR, EUSALP). Since its launch in 2020, it has become an important communication and networking platform, enhancing coordination among participating MRS countries, interactions between MRS and representatives of EU institutions and promoting horizontal issues such as the embedding process, policy learning and the exchange of good practice.
From the mornings of 24 to 26 April 2023, digital stakeholder sessions will take over the programme for the second time in a row.
In the afternoon of 26 April, Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, will officially open the EU MRS Week. Thematic sessions around the three themes will follow from the afternoon of 26 April until 27 April afternoon. These can be followed online with the option of onsite participation for EU MRS key implementers in Brussels.
On 28 April 2023, the hybrid 15th high-level group will meet in the Charlemagne building of the European Commission. This event will take place upon invitation only with the possibility for stakeholders to follow via web stream. The 4 EU MRS Trio Presidency meeting will take place in the afternoon of 28 April, organised by the Slovene EUSDR Presidency upon invitation only.
More information will follow in due time.