11th Danube Participation Day
The 11th Danube Participation Day: Creating change for successful EU enlargement – How can we work together for a sustainable, resilient, and stable transition in Ukraine and beyond? addresses the role of Civil Society in the transition laboratories of Ukraine and Moldova on their path into the European Union. Building on the results of the 10th Danube Participation Day in Ljubljana, the three main topics of innovation and transformation for Ukraine and Moldova social transformation, democratic transformation, and sustainable green transformation have each their specificities and logics. Nevertheless, the three topics are intertwined and interdependent. Without a secure and developed democratic system and society no social or green transition can be imagined, while democratic or green transition can’t be imagined without a social transformation.
Following the input from the three preparatory online consultations the 11th DPD will discus three key challenges Civil Society in the Danube Region has identified to be enabled to develop fruitful contributions. The issue of financing, the issue of capacity building among Civil Society and local administrations, and the establishment of a culture of trust, participation and co-creation.
To strengthen networks and cooperation, the DPD will give space and time for direct contacts and debate among participants in two interactive sessions: an Agora where you are invited to present your (running or future) projects, your NGO or special services or needs related to your work as well three Transition Laboratiores debating the three issues of funding, capacity building, and a culture of participative governance.
As a third element the organisers invite national and international institutions, active in funding in the Danube region to present their funding schemes with relation to civil society.
The agenda of the event and the registration link can be found here.