On 29 January 2025, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian EUSDR Presidency hosted an online edition of the “Chat with the Presidency” format, providing an open platform for dialogue among core EUSDR stakeholders and the Presidency.
Chaired by the Bosnian and Herzegovinian EUSDR Presidency, the session focused on the Presidency’s agenda and ongoing discussions concerning EUSDR Governance.
During the meeting, Priority Area Coordinators expressed their appreciation for the Presidency’s openness to engaging with and collaborating with them in organising joint events throughout the year and at the 14th EUSDR Annual Forum, which will take place on 5-6 November 2025 in Sarajevo. The Presidency further provided updates on the planned events and the implementation of its agenda, which can be found here.
Another key topic of discussion was the forthcoming update and discussion to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Priority Area Coordinators (PACs), resulting in updating the EUSDR Governance Architecture Paper. This task will be further addressed at the PACs meeting on 26-27 February 2025, following a preparatory discussion at the EUSDR Task Force Governance Development meeting scheduled for 19 February 2025. The PACs also considered the possibility of an informal meeting before these events to ensure the alignment of ideas.
The 10th Danube Salon will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 6 March 2025. The event is by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in close cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina. More details can be found here.