All highlights

All highlights

EC published the Report on the implementation of EU macro-regional strategies and COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT, accompanying the document PA7 is developing a public online consultation related to the EUSDR Action plan

Contact Us

Contact Us

DSP Office Vienna: Danube Strategy PointEU-Förderagentur Kirchberggasse 33-35/91070 ViennaAustria Email:   DSP Office Bucharest: Danube Strategy PointMinistry of Regional Development & Public Administration 14 Libertatii Blv. sector 5050706 BucharestRomania



  Contact the Danube Strategy Point Contact an EUSDR National Coordinator in your country Contact an EUSDR Priorty Area Coordinator in your filed of interest Contact a Steering Group member

EUSDR Strategic Projects (concept paper)

EUSDR Strategic Projects (concept paper)

The EUSDR is implemented, among others, through projects and processes. An EUSDR strategic project would frequently be a result of policy developments and discussions within a EUSDR Priority Area. Identification

4th Annual Forum documentation

4th Annual Forum documentation

  You can consult the dedicated website of the 4th Annual Forum for detailed information and archives of the event on the following link:          

Annual Fora

Annual Fora

Stakeholders of the EUSDR meet every year at the Annual Forum to discuss about the progress of the Strategy´s implementation, exchange best practices and to identify further opportunities for cooperation.

Steering Group Members

Steering Group Members

Steering Group Members of the EUSDR Priority Areas Waterways Mobility: Steering Group Members (PA 1a) Rail-Road-Air Mobility: Steering Group Members (PA 1b) Sustainable Energy: Steering Group Members (PA 2) Culture & Tourism: Steering Group

Implementation Reports

Implementation Reports

Download here the year-on-year Implementation Reports highlighting progress per EUSDR Priority Area.   2016 / 2 2016 / 1 2015 2014  2013 2012 PA 1a PA1a_2016_2 PA1a_2016 PA1a_2015 PA1a_2014 PA1a_2013 PA1a_2012 PA 1b

European Territorial Cooperation

European Territorial Cooperation

European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) ETC, better known as Interreg, is one of the two goals of cohesion policy. It provides a framework for the implementation of joint actions and policy