Follow the Annual Forum live!

Follow the Annual Forum live!

if you can´t make it to Regensburg, you may still follow the debates on web livestream: click here to watch the conference (starting Tuesday at 2PM CET) You´d like to

EUSDR Reflection Paper

EUSDR Reflection Paper

The European Commission has produced a reflection paper which is intended to facilitate the discussions at the EUSDR Annual Forum. It provides an initial working level assessment on implementation, and

New Panorama released: EUSDR featured

New Panorama released: EUSDR featured

The autumn 2012 edition of Panorama magazine entitled “Investing in regions” is now online! While the focus of this edition is the use of financial instruments to support regional policy,

New EUSDR Flyer now available!

New EUSDR Flyer now available!

Check out the new EUSDR flyer! Used by Commissioner Hahn throughout his trip, the flyer explains the key facts of the strategy and gives examples of EUSDR projects in the