Thematic Seminar – Innovative Energy Solutions for European Regions and Cities – in the context of the Knowledge Exchange Platform (KEP) 24 March 2017 in Brussels Venue: European Committee of
EUREKA Danube Region call for projects
Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Romania are announcing the 2nd Call EUREKA Danube for Proposals for joint R&D projects, focusing on developing innovative products and applications in all
Towards European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialisation investments – Call for expression of interest
The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs invites cluster organisations, other business network organisations, technology centres and science parks interested to team up around specific industrial
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom: over €27 million to foster the European digital service ecosystem
The European Commission has opened a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) to stimulate and support the deployment of European Digital Service Infrastructures (DSIs). Up to €27.5
Third meeting of the ESF Managing Authorities in the Danube Region
The EUSDR Priority Areas 9 and 10 in cooperation with the Managing Authorities of Bavaria and Baden-Württenberg will organise the third meeting of the ESF Managing Authorities in the Danube
Save the Date: EU Macroregional Strategies Conference on Media and Communication – Know Thy Neighbour
Slovenia will host the first macroregional communication conference on the Slovenian coast between the 4th and 6th April 2017. The aim of the conference is to bring together media people,
Meeting of Transport Coordinators for all EU macro-regional strategies
The Interact Programme is organising a Meeting of Transport Coordinators (water and land) of the all four EU macro-regional strategies (14-15 March, Hotel Slon, Ljubljana, Slovenia). This is the first time
Reminder: Danube Strategic Project Fund call open until mid-February
Priority Area Coordinator 10, City of Vienna, together with EuroVienna (affiliated entity to the City of Vienna) are responsible for the implementation of the Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF)
Open Call: Universities for EU Projects
“Universities for EU Projects” Project financed as mobility project for traineeship for higher education students – KA1 Erasmus+ 2015 and 2016 CALL FOR HOST ORGANIZATIONS A new call is open
Evaluation of the Start Danube Region Project Fund of PA10
The pilot initiative START Danube Region Project Fund was initiated by Priority Area 10 of the EUSDR to provide small grants in form of seed money for the development and implementation