As macro-strategies represent a new and innovative cooperation tool, there is still much room for new findings and for exploring their potential. In the meantime, it is important to visualize the achievements already made. Therefore, DSP designed a brochure presenting concrete measure taken to reach the objectives of the Danube Region Strategy.. This way, anyone can find out about projects and their impact in different parts of the Danube Region.
EU Strategy for the Danube Region – cooperation one can see (2019)
The projects presented in the brochures below are just some examples of cooperation, and we hope that they will be both informative and inspirational for you. Thousands of other projects are implemented to improve the quality of life in the Danube Region.
Special thanks go to the EUSDR National Coordinators, Priority Area Coordinators as well as to the project implementers who provided the information comprised in the brochure.
Please find below the EU STRATEGY FOR THE DANUBE REGION – the cooperation one can see brochure translated in all Danube Region languages.
Danube Region Strategy: success stories (2016)

Danube Region Strategy – success stories (EN, 2016)
After 5 years of implementation, significant achievements of the EUSDR are becoming evident. The purpose of this publication is to give examples of what has been achieved together, based on the cooperation at macro-regional scale in the Danube Region. These projects and achievements exemplify the added value of the Danube Strategy and will provide further motivation for continuing to cooperate along this successful path in order to contribute to the balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the Danube Region.
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