The #EUSDR PriorityArea2ENERGY aims at exploiting the full potential of an integrated energy market, also by increasing the energy efficiency of the region and enhancing the use of renewable energy sources.
This week story presents you a project demonstrating how these objectives may be reached by using funds from #DTP.
Since a large amount of biomass is available along the Danube with the potential to improve energy security and foster sustainable energy production in the region, #ENERGYBARGE aims to support companies dealing with inland water transportation and bioenergy. Hence, the ENERGY modal shift platform ( was created as the most important output of the project, which integrates the bioenergy-oriented tool “Danube Biomass and Bioenergy Atlas”, the “Good Practice Tool” and the information for Danube logistics services, merging them functionally and logically in the website’s central map view.
The platform aims to support the provision of expertise on the transport, handling and storage of biomass to bioenergy actors.
Using biomass for inland transportation will help to reduce emissions, to establish a low-carbon transport system and to improve the environmental performance along entire bioenergy value chains.
For more details, follow the link:
Photo: ENERGY BARGE project