Online stream with a Danube Region Scientist – Prof. Helmut Habersack

Invitation to the online stream with a Danube Region Scientist – Prof. Helmut Habersack, winner of the 2023 Austrian of the Year in Research| 18 October 2024 | 11.00 – 12.00 CET |

Dear Danube Region community,

Are you interested to learn more on what is hidden beneath the waves of our Danube River? We would like to invite you to join the new edition of online stream with a renowned Danube Region Scientist – Prof Helmut Habersack which will take place on Friday, 18 October 2024 at 11:00 CET.

This online stream will be organised by EUSDR Priority Area 7 | Knowledge Society in cooperation with EUSDR Priority Area 4 | Water Quality.

Prof Habersack, Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Dr.h.c., is the Head of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (IWA) @BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

Helmut Habersack has over 25 years of experience in sediment transport, hydropower, river engineering/morphology / restoration, flood risk management, ecohydraulics and navigation. He is the author of over 100 SCI journal publications, 10 monographs, over 100 proceedings etc. and gave over 150 national and international keynote lectures.

Apart from all mentioned Prof Habersack holds currently a UNESCO Chair on “Integrated River Research and Management”, coordinating the UNESCO IHP “World´s Large Rivers Initiative”, and is a Full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Modelling at the Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Austria.

You can join us either at the Facebook live streaming  or connect to the streaming via the following link:

You can contribute with your question via SLIDO on this link: or with code #2086974


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Oct 18 2024


11:00 - 12:00


EUSDR Priority Area 7 | Knowledge Society and EUSDR Priority Area 4 | Water Quality
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