List of EUSDR targets
(As validated in the meeting of National Coordinators and Priority Area Coordinators held in Bratislava on 23 May 2016)
Priority Area 1A “To improve mobility and intermodality of inland waterways”
- Increase the cargo transport on the river by 20% by 2020 compared to 2010.
- Solve obstacles to navigability, taking into account the specific characteristics of each section of the Danube and its navigable tributaries and establish effective waterway infrastructure management by 2020.
- Develop efficient multimodal terminals at river ports along the Danube and its navigable tributaries to connect inland waterways with rail and road transport by 2020.
- Implement harmonised River Information Services (RIS) on the Danube and its navigable tributaries and ensure the international exchange of RIS data preferably by 2020.
- Solve the shortage of qualified personnel and harmonize education standards in inland navigation in the Danube region by 2020, taking duly into account the social dimension of the respective measures.
Priority Area 1B “To improve mobility and intermodality – rail, road and air”
- Support efficient freight railway services and improved travel times for competitive railway passenger connections between major cities in the Danube Region (DR) by 2030.
- Support fully functional multi-modal TEN-T Core Network Corridors by 2030.
- Support the development of efficient multimodal terminals at sea, river and dry ports in the Danube Region and ensure their connectivity and access through the integration of all modes of transport and efficient logistics services by 2030.
- Support improvement of the regional air connectivity and the implementation of the Single European Sky initiative.
- Facilitate the improvement of secondary and tertiary roads in the DR.
- Support safe and sustainable transport and mobility in the Danube Region.
Priority Area 2 “To encourage more sustainable energy”
- To help to achieve the national targets based on the Europe 2030 climate and energy targets
- To remove existing bottlenecks in energy to fulfil the goals of the Energy Union within the Danube Region
- To better interconnect regions by joint activities with relevant initiatives and institutions
Priority Area 3 “To promote culture and tourism, people to people contacts”
- Develop a Danube Brand for the entire Danube Region based on already existing work
- Support the implementation of a harmonised monitoring system, dedicated to tourism, able to provide complete and comparable statistical data in all the 14 states part of the EUSDR
- Develop new and support existing Cultural Routes relevant in the Danube Region
- Develop green tourist products along the Danube Region
- To create a ‘Blue Book’ on Danube cultural identity
- Ensure the sustainable preservation of cultural heritage and natural values by developing relevant clusters, and networks of museums, interpretation and visitors centres within the Danube Region
- Promoting exchange and networking in the field of contemporary arts in the Danube Region
Priority Area 4 of the EUSDR “To restore and maintain the quality of waters”
- Achieve the management objectives set out in the Danube River Basin Management Plan
- Reduce the nutrient levels in the Danube River to allow the recovery of the Black Sea ecosystems to conditions similar to 1960s
- Elaborate a Danube Delta Analysis Report as a step towards completion of the Delta management Plan
- Secure viable populations of Danube sturgeon species
- Elaborate, adopt and implement the sub-basin management plans, such as Sava, Tisza and Prut sub-basin
Priority Area 5 of the EUSDR “To manage environmental risks”
- To address the challenges of water scarcity and droughts in line with the Danube River Basin Management Plan – Update 2015, the report on the impacts of droughts in the Danube Basin in 2015 (due in 2016) and the ongoing work in the field of climate adaptation.
- Provide and enhance continuous support to the implementation of the Danube Flood Risk Management Plan – adopted in 2015 in line with the EU Floods Directive – to achieve significant reductions of flood risk events by 2021, also taking into account potential impacts of climate change and adaption strategies.
- To continuously update the existing database of accident risk spots (ARS Inventory), contaminated sites and sites used for the storage of dangerous substances.
Priority Area 6 “To preserve biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils”
- By 2020 strengthen the work on halting the deterioration in the status of all species and habitats covered by EU nature legislation in order to achieve a significant and measurable improvement, adapted to the special needs of the respective species and habitats in the Danube Region
- Enhance the work on establishing green infrastructure and the process of restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems, including soil, in order to maintain and enhance ecosystems and their services by 2020 in the Danube Region and to improve air quality
- Encourage achieving significant progress in identification and prioritization of Invasive Alien Species and their pathways in order to control or eradicate priority species, to manage pathways and to prevent the introduction and establishment of new Invasive Alien Species in the Danube Region by 2020
- Continue the ongoing work and efforts to securing viable populations of Danube sturgeon species and other indigenous fish species by 2020
Priority Area 7 “To develop the Knowledge Society (research, education and ICT)”
- To increase the effectiveness of investment in R&I through establishment of a funding coordination network aiming to initiate a minimum of 2 dedicated EUSDR activities each year (e.g. joint calls; joint strategic project proposals (within a multilateral framework)).
- To increase the number of EPO and PCT patent applications filed from the Danube Region by 20% by 2020
- To enhance regional research and education co-operation to reach 20% of academic mobility within the region by 2020.
- To increase the annual output of co-publications in the region by 15 % by 2020
- To develop RIS3 in all Danube countries (or their regions) by 2020
Priority Area 8 “To support the competitiveness of enterprises”
- Improvement of the innovations and new technologies transfer through establishing measures like consulting services by chambers and other institutions or organizations, in cooperation with other actions relevant Priority Areas of the EUSDR
- Establishing a cluster network with focus on connecting companies in bio-based industries and Analysis of Smart Specialization Strategies for the bio-based industry within Danube region.
- Improvement of the technological knowledge and implementation level of environmental technologies through presentation of the latest know-how and Best Practices in the area of sewage treatment, solid waste management, generation of energy from renewable sources etc., and through identification of the regional decision-makers responsible for submission of project application.
- Improvement of framework conditions, support programs and capacity building of stakeholders, to enhance competitiveness and added value in rural areas and in particular of the agricultural sector.
- Development of best practise models for vocational training oriented towards employability and skills demand (theory and practice) by the implementing pilot projects.
- Improvement of the entrepreneurship education in order to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, especially SMEs through further development of the lifelong entrepreneurial learning system based on the identified set of strategic goals in line with Human Capital Dimension of the SBA for Europe.
- Improvement of business support in particular to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs for international cooperation and trade.
Priority Area 9 of the EUSDR “To invest in people and skills”
- Contribution to a higher employment rate in the Danube Region, especially through tackling youth and long-term unemployment
- Contribution to improved educational outcomes and relevant skills and competences in the Danube Region, focusing on learning outcomes for employability, entrepreneurship, innovation, active citizenship and well-being
- Contribution to increased quality and efficiency of education, training and labour market systems
- Contribution to ensuring inclusive education and training and promoting inclusive labour markets, equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as the promotion of civic competences and lifelong learning opportunities for all
- Contribution to a closer cooperation between educational, training, labour market and research institutions, in particular on transnational, regional and bilateral levels.
Priority Area 10 “To step up institutional capacity and cooperation”
- Improve World Bank governance indicators related to government effectiveness, regulatory quality and control of corruption in comparison to 2011
- 80 % of participating countries involve the national, regional and local authorities and CSOs through annual National (provincial) EUSDR consultations in cooperation with the National Coordinators of the EUSDR
- The UPDR helps to generate, through the exchange of information and the support, on all levels of cooperation, for 25% of UPDR stakeholder organisations at least one Urban Danube Project, furthering the aim of better spending
- Increase the average absorption rate of EU funds in the Danube Region in comparison to 2007-2013 period
Priority Area 11 of the EUSDR “To work together to tackle security and organised crime”
- Security offensive – Enhancing police cooperation with the aim of improving security and tackling serious and organised crime in the EUSDR countries and strengthening the efforts against terrorism threats
- Developing strategic long-term cooperation between law enforcement actors along the Danube river by strengthening networks for cooperation by 2020.
- Improving the systems of border control, document inspection management and cooperation on consular related issues in the Danube region.
- Promoting the rule of law and the fight against corruption.