The preparation phase of the 2021-2027 programming period offers a unique opportunity for all EU programmes to address territorial challenges more strategically, through more coordinated and synergized actions stressing the European added value of funding, and encourage a dialogue between those involved in the programming process and macro-regional strategies. This embedding exercise is equally relevant for Cohesion Policy Funds in EU Member States as for EU programmes in non-EU countries (essentially IPA and NDICI – former ENI).


In January 2021, managing authorities responsible for ERDF & CF funds were kindly invited to a workshop on embedding the EUSDR into EU Funding Programmes. MAs from the Danube Region met for the first time to discuss future possibilities to jointly strengthen the implementation of EUSDR priorities on national level.


EUSDR National Coordinators also discussed activities, tools and next steps of the embedding process at the last NC meeting and at the 3rd EUSDR Embedding Task Force meeting.


To further ensure an effective and smooth embedding process, managing authorities and EUSDR National Coordinators are kindly asked to participate in the following survey.



  • Managing and other Authorities: please relate your answers to the programme(s) you manage/work with
  • EUSDR National Coordinators: please fill out the survey for all INTERREG programmes in your country
  • For national and regional ERDF/CF programmes, please find the questionnaire here


In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Danube Strategy Point (DSP) at