During the EU Macro-regional Strategies Week (EU MRS Week), which took place in Brussels from 24 to 28 April 2023, the Slovenian Presidency of the EUSDR chaired the 7th Meeting of the Chairpersons of the National Coordination Groups of the EU Macro-regional Strategies and the European Commission (MRS Trio Presidencies Meeting). The meeting focused on discussing the common challenges of the MRS and their further cooperation in the framework of the Trio Presidencies.
Slovenian Presidency of the EUSDR proposed a framework for setting a common ground for increasing the effectiveness and coherence of MRS Trio Presidencies, bringing benefit to all MRS. The Presidencies of 4 EU Macro-regional Strategies (EUSBSR, EUSDR, ESAIR, EUSALP) discussed at their 7th Joint Meeting with the European Commission on 28 April ways and modi to further intensify the common work on active exchange and cooperation among the Strategies Chairs in order to strengthen the mutual learning, improve the information flows and to further secure a sustainable cooperation platform for all EU MRS.
Representatives of governance support structures from all MRS and Interact programme were also present.
The next host of the 8th Joint Meeting of MRS Trio Presidencies Meeting will be Croatia as next EUSAIR Presidency.