Platform; ongoing
EUSDR Priority Area(s): PA 10 Institutional Capacity & Cooperation
The National Participation Days provide a platform for representatives from public authorities and civil society organisations to develop ways of cooperation. In doing so, the Participation Days offer a unique opportunity to align projects and initiatives with EUSDR´s objectives and actions.
Objectives: The Participation Day format is expected to foster exchange between state and non-state actors about (the implementation of) the EUSDR. By engaging in a regular exchange, the format facilitates trust-building and capacity building for all involved stakeholders.
Need and (expected) impact: National and Regional Participation Days, also known as National Hearings, are crucial for aligning strategic objectives with tangible collaborative approaches. Through these platforms, representatives from EUSDR, public authorities, and civil society organisations can chart the course for impactful development in the Danube Region.
By encouraging the regular organisation of National Participation Days, we aim to empower national and regional representatives from public authorities and civil society organisations to drive collaborative efforts effectively.
PA 10, along with the Danube Civil Society Forum, stands steady to offer guidance and insights upon request, assisting in the organisation of participative events that address the Danube Strategy comprehensively.
Macro-regional dimension: The Danube Participation Days are a side event of the EUSDR Annual Forum and address stakeholders from all 14 participating countries of the EUSDR. Likewise, the National Participation Days are supposed to be organised in all Danube Region countries on a regular basis. So far, 80% of Danube Region countries have held at least one National Participation Day (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine).
Stakeholders involved: Danube Civil Society Forum, PA 10, NGOs in the Danube Regions; NCs and PA 10 Steering Group members, national, regional and local authorities from EUSDR Members.
Budget and Funding: The National Participation Days in the EUSDR are typically funded by the national government of the countries involved in the Danube Region, EU funds designated for regional development, international organisations and sometimes private sector sponsors or partners. The funding depends on the specific activities planned for each National Participation Day and the priorities set by the participating countries.
Further information: https://capacitycooperation.danube-region.eu/participation-day/national-participation-days/